
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Little Red Squirrel

Do you have a favorite wild animal? I don't mean just a type of animal, like deer, squirrel, bluebird, or duck. I mean one specific animal that you have seen somewhere. A single animal that, in your mind, has become a familiar face and a friend. One that you can tell apart from others of it's species.

I think I have such an animal. It's this little red squirrel here. I've seen it many times on several different trips. I have worried over it's safety a few times, and I've caught it spying on me as was leaving. I haven't seen it in over a month, but I hope it's still in the same place, and I hope it's still alive.

I think of this little squirrel as my friend, although I'm not so sure the squirrel ever thought so kindly of me. It's okay, I still like him. This red squirrel has something in common with the black squirrel I showed you yesterday. It was the first red squirrel I ever got a picture of. In fact, it was the only one I've ever seen. Until now.

I was beginning to think maybe the red squirrels were very rare here. I never saw another one, so I figured I must be right. Then I started reading that they were supposedly quite common. I thought I'd believe it when I see it.

Well, now I see it. Maybe there aren't that many of them in the other place with my friend, but in the new place with the black squirrels, there are plenty of them. I have a picture here of another little red squirrel sitting on a tree branch.

I know it's not the best picture I've ever had on this blog, but it's evidence of more of these little guys. This place was literally crawling with squirrels. There were at least four different varieties right in the immediate area. I'll show you what I mean in a few days.

If you look closely, you can see in this last picture that this new red squirrel seems to be eating something. I don't know what his snack might be, but anyone who wants to can speculate on it. I guess the meal he's having is why he stopped long enough for the photo. Thank you, little red.

Even though I found a small tribe of red squirrels in a different place and time, my favorite animal is still my original red squirrel. He almost seems to recognize me when I visit. Maybe not, but I can at least pretend. He is my friend, after all. What's yours?


  1. I don't really have any wild animal friend, but I've read several books by Ben Mikaelsen who has a pet black bear. How's that for wild! His books I read were "Spirit Bear," "Ghost of Spirit Bear," and "Rescue Josh McGuire" which is a story about a 13-yr-old who ran away from home in order to save a bear cub that was orphaned by his dad. It was actually quite a good story.

  2. I nearly ran over a black squirrel this morning on the way to work and who do I think of first when it happened? You of course and even thought to myself wouldn't be wonderful if I can snapped a picture of it. Just imagine USA and Malaysia has the same animal. Maybe scientifically there is a difference

  3. I enjoy all of our wildlife - I don't have any particular creatures I call my friend as I have an abundance of scquirrels, chipmunks, deer, owl, turkeys that roam around near where I live. Yesterday morning, I had turkeys feeding in the front yard and last night when I came home, I had a deer standing in the driveway. Thanks for sharing a variety of adventures in your posts.

  4. I still remember your squirrel that bit the cable. It might not bite yours but mine was down. It should have sneaked in to my room. Hope it won't come back again.

  5. I have a porcupine buddy. I've never seen this one's face since it's always had its head stuck in a hole in a tree (since Feb.) If it ever comes down I'd be tempted to hug him and squeeze him and call him 'Ouch'

  6. I have an oppossum that visits my yard and I get a big kick out of seeing him/her. I leave veggie scraps out by the bird feeder for him. He stops to drink at the pond and pretty much stays to himself, so it's a treat when I spy him.

  7. Karen - There used to be an old TV show called Grizzly Adams, where the main character had a pet bear called Ben. I like pet bears.

    Kruel - That would be something if both were the same kind of squirrel. I think it's amazing that there are squirrels in so many parts of the world. I've seen pictures of some Malaysian squirrels, and some of them are very beautiful.

    Mike - I love all of the different varieties of animals here too. I love seeing deer, and even those rowdy geese, in my backyard. But that little squirrel with his ornery attitude became a little special after I saw him a few times.

    Rainfield - My cable biting squirrel must have been one of those that escaped from the dragon, and ran over to see you. I told you they were trouble.

    WiseAcre - I like your porcupine buddy too. Porcupines make fine buddies. They're so cute though that I think they're better as pets for the kids in the family. :)

    Lin - Yes! That's exactly the kind of friend I'm talking about. A nice familiar face that we begin to like.

  8. Love your squirrel pictures. I have a special place in my heart for squirrels too. That is probably a good thing since they eat me out of house and home. I have never seen a red squirrel before though. You are lucky to get them in your area because they are fun to get photos of.

  9. Red squirrels can be awful pests, but I think they are one of my favorite species because they seem so precocious. Hmmm, a favorite animal? I'm not good with "favorite" things. But this winter it surely had to me the opossum I named Dandelion. But you've given me an idea for my Earth Day post if nothing of great interest comes up!

  10. Kallen - I've never had a problem with squirrels. They don't come very close to houses around here. These little red squirrels are kind of rare here, but they seem to like it a few towns away where I found the ones in the newer pictures.

    Sharkbytes - I like them for the same reason. I thought of Dandelion when I was writing this story. I think that's one of the fun things about reading other blogs, getting to know other peoples fun critters. :)

  11. Tag, you're it! I have given you the Life is Grand Award. See

  12. Ratty! I found out what happened to the mean squirrel that tormented you!

  13. Sharkbytes - Oh no, caught again! Thanks for the award. That's my second award this week. I must be doing something right. If only I knew what that was. :)

    There is something strange going on with these squirrels lately. I've been getting troubling reports of them from all over the world, and they seem to be moving this way.

  14. We have a Grackle bird that came in our yard 4 years ago..he had a white head. We thought it was an anomoly. I tried to get a photo and could not catch him on film. He came back the next year again. No picture. Then he stopped coming the following year, so we thought he died.
    Guess who showed up today?
    I got him on film! I will post him soon. We have never seen another one with a white head!
    The Retirement Chronicles

  15. The Retired One - That is a great story! I'm looking forward to the pictures. That's what I meant by favorite animal. One that you have come to recognize and expect. Your comment put a smile on my face. :)
