
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Is It A Cocoon?

Today I'm going to talk about something I've been avoiding for awhile. The subject is what you see in these two photos. The reason I've been avoiding this subject is because I don't know what they are.

Usually I like to write about something I can definitely tell you some good information about. I have tried to do a little research about these things, but I have come up with nothing. Maybe someone who is more experienced about this kind of thing knows what they are, but I don't.

These aren't the only ones I've seen either. These are just the latest. I've been seeing these on tree branches for a little while now, and I've been wondering about them. I have always guessed that they're some sort of cocoon or something, but I don't know enough about cocoons yet.

They also look just like animal droppings, but I don't think that's what they are. If that was the case, it would have to be from birds, and birds don't do that shape, except maybe geese. I think you only find goose droppings on the ground. So I'm going to stick with my guess of cocoons.

Even though I don't know exactly what I'm seeing, they're still something interesting that I found while I was hiking. As you can see, they're not the most attractive thing I've ever posted here, but they are interesting. It's fun to speculate on what these are, and I'm sure some of you probably already know.

This is what being an everyday adventurer is all about; the discovery of new, interesting things. I try not to overlook even the most insignificant things I find. Who knows what might turn out to be a something good? If these are cocoons, what might come out later?

Before I go, I'd just like to mention that I've been seeing weather vanes all over town, now that I've been watching for them. I think I even saw a lightning rod. That means I have some camera work to do. Who knows? When I'm pointing the camera to the sky to take a picture of an elusive weather vane, maybe I'll get a shot of a UFO.

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  1. I like your last sentence, I did experience this before. Of course, I did not have any shot of a UFO, but it was still fantastic.

  2. I think they are an infestation and this is the nest. I can't remember if it is a moth or some kind of tree beetle. We have them up north in Michigan too.
    On the UFO comment, I hope you DO catch a pix. I also have seen one (at night) but had no camera to capture it....and it was pretty far away. But it lingered in one spot for a long time, kind of pulsating and then took off at a high speed to the west. Pretty amazing! So...go ahead and take a photo of one...we'd all LOVE IT !!
    Hey, maybe those things in the trees are Alien pods?????

  3. looks like it is insect created...some ants and beetles do those. They are called galls. I see a wide variety in the woods here. I even have a big one stashed in my box at work. Nothing has come out of it though.

  4. Alien pods?? Is that Wiseacre in disguise?

  5. It is black knot fungus. It usually is found on young trees in the cherry family. It is not much of a problem in forests because the infected trees are usually surrounded by other species, but for commercial growers it can be a real issue. Infected trees are weakened and the limb with the "knots" may die. To get rid of it a good way is to prune out the infected limbs in the winter when it is dormant (new spores produced in spring).

  6. like what Sharkbytes said, it looks like a black knot fungus. They usually look like an elongated animal feces just like in your picture, which looks actually interesting since the picture make them look like they are crawling.

  7. black knot fungus does make we have ants that make something quite similar.

  8. Rainfield - You and I both like to take pictures. Maybe one day, one of us will get a shot of a UFO.:)

    The Retired One - I hope I get a UFO picture one day, but I probably won't. I live too close to the city. As for alien pods; I do have pictures of those, but the things from today are not them. Maybe I'll reveal them soon.:)

    Naturegirl - Like you said, I think Sharkbytes knows what she sees, and the fungus is among us. I'm going to do a search and try to get a look at a gall from an ant or beetle, it sounds interesting.

    Anonymous - WiseAcre seems to be missing in action right now. I hope everything is alright with him.

    Sharkbytes - I will agree with you. Black Knot Fungus it is. When I was writing the post I had a feeling you would know what it is, and you didn't let me down. Thanks.:)

    Betchai - Looking like they are crawling was what made me think they might be cocoons. Cocoons of course don't crawl, but it makes them look separate from the branch. Thanks to you too for confirming what they are.:)

    Naturegirl - Again, I'm going to look up those galls. Maybe I'll find something like that one of these times.:)
