
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hiking In The Snow

This is my very first attempt to go hiking in the snow. I didn't get very far, but I got some pictures of it. All of that white mist you see in the air is snow. It was snowing really hard out here! The wind was blowing very hard, and it was probably a bad time to try this. I know I'll be doing it again, it was fun!

When I got out to this park, I saw three other cars there. This isn't a very big nature park. It has a small parking lot, and the nature trails. That's all. Not many people come here at other times, and this wasn't a normal time. Anyway, I saw these three cars, and all that snow coming down, and I thought, "Are these people crazy? Look at all that snow!" Then again, I was out there, so why shouldn't they be there too?

I got out of the truck and looked around. The snow was really coming down! This was just what I was looking for. I was trying to see if I could capture on film exactly what I was seeing. I wanted other people to see a photo of a heavy snow storm. I wasn't sure if there was a real way to get that. Could I show falling snowflakes with this camera? I still don't know.

I made my way to the bigger trail. I really didn't want to go very far today. I just wanted a few pictures. I wasn't really dressed for this cold weather anyway. I was finding that out the hard way just then. When I started walking up the trail, the snowfall suddenly increased greatly. That's when I took this second picture.

I decided then that maybe I should cut this a little shorter than I intended. Before I left the house there wasn't very much snow, but now it was snowing really hard and it was getting colder by the second. So after taking a few more pictures I headed back to the truck.

It seemed like a much longer walk back than it was getting out there. It was now hard to see in front of me, and the wind was blowing so hard it made my face hurt. I need to dress a little better for this next time. That ought to teach me to be better prepared for winter from now on. I'll have to buy a cool hiking hat or something. Do they even make stuff like that?

This was actually a pretty good experience. I wanted to test out what it was like to hike in the winter, without going very far yet, and I did that. Next time I'll be able to do more. It's going to be exciting to discover what to do during the winter. I haven't ever actually done any of this in the winter yet, so I don't know what will happen yet. I'm ready for it. Here we go!

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  1. Great pics! Living in Alabama, I don't get to play in snow very often. I went to Colorado last April and had a great time snowshoeing. By the way, I found a website you may want to check out: It has a section on winter outdoor gear. They suggest wearing 2 hats: a wool baseball cap and a very lightweight, windproof, microfleece cap to cover the ears.

  2. Thanks, I was just talking about looking for a hat. Their suggestion is a good one. It's exactly what I had in mind. I'll check it out.

  3. Your Blogs/posts take me away and sooth my soul. Wish I could just roam nature and be in God's presence.

    Take Care!

  4. That makes me happy to hear, Scott. When I'm out there, it's very hard to make myself want to come back.

  5. this your first time hiking in the winter? it was nice to hear your experienced because i will never experienced it here in tropical forest..:)

  6. Yes, it was my first time hiking in the snow, Rose. It was more fun than I thought it would be. Just like you don't get to see snow, I won't ever get to see a tropical forest. So I'm glad I can read about your adventures. :)
