
Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Dog Whisperer

I was watching an episode of The Dog Whisperer today, when I noticed something interesting. Cesar Millan, the star of the show, was using very similar techniques to get close to a nervous dog, that I use to get close to wild animals. I wrote a few posts about how to do this, not too long ago. And I'll leave links to them at the end of this post, as well as a few links for information about The Dog Whisperer.

I've been watching the show, for a little while now, whenever I see that it's on. I have to say that I've been very impressed. It's an amazing show, and he knows a great deal about dogs. I learn something new with every episode that I watch. I don't usually think highly enough of a TV show to say anything about it here, but there are a few like this one that are exceptional.

I usually only talk about things I find out in nature, but a show like this goes hand in hand with everything I try to put across here. I love dogs very much, and I appreciate seeing someone who has that much knowledge about them. Then when I see that person using similar techniques on animals that I do, it validates for me what I'm doing here. It helps me believe I'm on the right track, and doing something right.

Anyone who's interested in animals at all should give his show a try, if you haven't been watching already. It's been one of my favorite TV shows, and I think it can become one of yours too. I think you can learn some very helpful things if you have a dog. Now go and read my "10 Tips To Get Close To A Deer", and then watch a few of his episodes. You'll see some very similar things there.

The Dog Whisperer

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  1. I went to The Cesar Millan Website. Very enlightening. I have seen his show. He does wonderes with dogs.


  2. You're right, he does do great things with dogs. It would be something to be able to do that.

  3. I am a huge fan of The Dog Whisperer! I have 2 labs, so I've found Cesar's techniques very helpful. You have a great site and great photos!

  4. I'm glad to know somebody else watches him! I think dogs are my favorite animals.
