
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Upper Straits Lake

The trail leading up to this dock looks promising. I want to get some good pictures of the water. While some that I got here were good, I think I can do a lot better.

When I got out on the dock, I saw that Upper Straits Lake had a lot of activity today, and a lot of people. It's a huge lake, and has quite a bit to see. I would have liked to stay here a little longer. So many boats up close made it hard to get a good picture of the lake. I like this one though.

There's one thing I can't resist mentioning. There was an incident, with the woman from this closest boat, that Alice wouldn't really like told here, so I won't give more details. I have to say though, it was pretty funny. I thought before that Alice was going to be small for the rest of the time on these trails, but this made her grow to the size of a giant. I bet she could fit that arrowhead in her pocket now.

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