
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Great Websites

Here are some more great websites that I don't have on the sidebar. I have very limited space there so I came up with this idea. If anyone has a better idea, please let me know. These are all very good sites, so I wanted to list them here on my site. More will come as I find out who you are.

Any of you on this list that want your link on the main page just show me your support. If you leave frequent comments on my posts and you have a link to me, I'll add you to my sidebar. If I still fail to move your link to the sidebar, please give me a gentle reminder and I'll take care of it for you. And I like to comment back, so you'll get plenty of feedback from me also. I have to do things this way because of the limited space.

Important Posts


  1. There is nothing like those first spring plants! I go crazy over skunk cabbage, dandelions-the early ones give me such hope!Cheers, Diane Tucker, Estate Naturalist

  2. Diane - Yeah, dandelions have always been a good sign of warm weather for me. I've always liked them. I've been seeing all sorts of plants now, but I'm not good at identifying most of them yet.
