
Monday, September 25, 2017

Stalking The Bison

Do you see them? Do you see the bison in the picture above? No? Look closer. Those dots in the middle of the picture are the herd of bison that I've been tracking.

Maybe this picture just isn't good enough. Maybe you actually want to see some wild bison. Okay then. Move on to the next picture.

Here's the zoomed in super camera version of that same herd of bison. I couldn't really see them well with my own eyes, but the camera could see them just fine. Admittedly I saw them well enough to guess what they were down there. I just wasn't sure if it was bison that I was seeing. All I knew before I lifted my camera was that they were moving. That was good enough for me.

This herd was spread out a little ways from each other. These two were to the far left of the others. The top one is an adult and the bottom is a juvenile bison. I took several pictures of these two, mainly because I was able to find them with the camera. It wasn't easy to direct my camera specifically on any of them because they were so far away. One little shift and I would lose my subject.

Here's that same two, but a little closer. I was amazed that I was able to zoom in this close. I think this was as far as my camera could go. Remember, with my own eyes, these were just dots in the grass below.

You probably can't tell, but I took these pictures from a very high hill looking down into a valley where the bison were staying for the moment. The hills make some things a little easier to find.

In years past I would not have found these bison. I wasn't out enough. Now that I go out several times a week I see many things. I get to see the bison routinely. I try not to write about them too much so they won't get boring for you. I hope this time was fun. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Who's bored?! After seeing bison in So. Dakota last summer, I appreciate how exciting it is to see them in person. Such strong, intense and beautiful creatures! I am glad that you aren't too close--they are dangerous!

  2. Isn't it nice that camera lenses can zoom it to see things we can't?

  3. Wow, your zoom works really well!

  4. Nature is never boring -- and I love looking at bison... always imagine what the West was like when the prairies were hosts to huge herds of them.... I love using my zoom lens and looking at the downloaded pictures is always like getting a little gift . Your post is like that too -- thank you!

  5. That first picture is an amazing view but it's nice seeing the zoomed in onesto get a good look at the bison

  6. Such beautiful country, Ratty. Love the photos of the bison!

  7. I've walked into that area to get closer with a friend who did his doctoral studies there.

  8. Love the photos. It looks such beautiful but raw!
