
Monday, September 4, 2017

My Cow Friends

Something I haven't really shown you very much is my subject for today. It's cows! I never really think much about them because I see them so much. But not everybody sees very many cows, if any at all.

In the past, I would get close enough to take pictures of a small herd of cows, and just like most animals at the time, they would turn and run away. But I seem to have a better feeling about me this year. These cows looked at me and came closer.

This young lady in the picture above may not have felt as good about me, but she still looked and came closer. I got the feeling that she didn't like my presence very much. She seemed kind of protective of the rest of the herd.

That's something else I've noticed about animals when I'm really one with nature. They are not afraid of me anymore. These cows mostly were not, but they were cautious. So I'm getting my nature mojo back. Soon they'll be trying to get me to come closer. I'll have birds landing on my arms. I just hope they aren't the size of cows when they do. I'll talk to you later.


  1. LOL I can call them over to the fence, a well practiced moo.

  2. Lol. I imagine you will blend in with nature, Ratty.

  3. Lots of cows around here and I always enjoy seeing them.

  4. That's cool that the animals are starting to trust you (sort of) again.

  5. It's good that animals trust you and don't run away. I'm sure you'll be able to get some good pictures because of it.

  6. I've heard that cows can charge you if you are in a field with them. Do you know about that? I never thought them to be aggressive, but I just read a book about a hiker and he told of a few harrowing tales about cows charging.
