
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Lots Of Cool Animals

I'm back to share some of the pictures of animals I took back in May of 2010. I had lots of adventures back then. Some of these pictures haven't been seen by anybody else but me up until now. I just happened to be digging through my old pictures when I saw these. I thought they needed to be shared.

I'm trying out a different way of doing things with my post this time. I have lots more pictures and I spread out the writing a bit. Let me know how you like it compared to my usual way. I may try both in the future.

I'm showing you these things from the past because right now I don't have any new stuff, and I'm still getting myself back into shape to go on new everyday adventures around here. I'm beginning to make some progress, but it's still kind of hard. I'll be ready to start my new adventures at the end of this month no matter what shape I'm in. I can't wait to start.

I've been doing a lot of research to find all of the available nature areas around here. I now have a list of new places to add to my current nature parks so I can find plenty of new subjects for my nature pictures and stories.

I'm not sure if I'll see lots of animals like in my pictures here, but I know I'll see at least a few here and there. It's possible that the animals have more places to hide in this area of the country, so maybe I won't see the same amount that I saw before. Even if that's the case, I'll still have plenty of things to see.

My plan right now is to make this my best summer for nature from Iowa here on The Everyday Adventurer. Maybe I can even get back to posting more than most of you can keep up with. I haven't been able to do that in a few years. I really am planning to have lots of adventures.

One of the main things I'll be looking for is at least one nature park with lots of trees. I've been frustrated with not finding that up until now. This year I've been spending plenty of time doing research on the parks so I can change that. I've found a few good places to begin. I hope one of these new parks becomes my new favorite.

Even if I don't get what I want with the trees I'm fully prepared to adjust the way I see things at the existing parks. I'll just learn to love what I have. I think I can find plenty of new things to be happy about.

I may have a few more posts before I really get going. I'll try to make them good and entertaining. And I'll try to keep you up on my physical recovery progress. Then when I have the new stuff it will really get fun because I'll be having fun. Hope for the future is always a good thing.

I hope you liked this look at these older animals and the little update about some new stuff. I don't usually like posting this many pictures, but all of these seemed good. And the difference was kind of fun. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Old or new it's always good to see wildlife puctures

  2. These are really awesome photos! I'm glad you shared them!

  3. Great photos.. I like the extra text and more photos. But do you?

  4. I love all your pictures. I'm sure you'll get more. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I like what Ann said...old or's all lovely. I am glad that you are working hard towards progress. You will get there. I just know it!
