
Friday, March 10, 2017

The Mushroom Strikes Back

I'm coming to you from what seems like a frozen planet. That seems fitting because those Strikes Back movies seem to always start off from places like that. Hey, I talked about an old science fiction movie in my last post about mushrooms too. Maybe that gives you a little insight into the way I think.

This new adventure didn't happen a long time ago in a nature park far far away. This one was just maybe a week or two ago right around here somewhere. These mushrooms are that kind that grow on the sides of trees. In this case these mushrooms are growing on a bunch of the firewood stacked up out back.

I seem to see this type of mushroom in the winter quite a bit. I wonder if they're dead or just in some sort of frozen suspended animation. Most other mushrooms I've seen in warmer weather seem to shrivel up into nothing and disappear after awhile.

These particular mushrooms are destined to burn up in a fiery inferno in one of two wood stoves. The only real question is, which one? We may never find out until the winter of next year. This one seems to be growing short.

And I know these aren't the most beautiful pictures that have ever existed. I've been wondering lately if maybe I've lost my eye for the beauty of nature. If so then I'll definitely have to find it again this year sometime. That may be a thing that's been long overdue.

Maybe it would help if I could wake up really early and find a bird perched on top of one of these wood piles. Or maybe I should get back in touch with the neighborhood squirrels. Making friends with the local squirrels always seems to help the nature deficient.

Or maybe I could just write lots of stuff about my new found friends the mushrooms. That seems to be working for one of my good blogger friends. No, I'd be terrible at that. I'll leave it to the guy who seems to be very talented at it. My momentary diversion into mushroom territory has to be only temporary and occasional.

Now I'll have to decide what I'm going to do next. Maybe I'll sit out back waiting for the squirrels. I like squirrels.

I'll talk to you later.


  1. I like the mushrooms too. There is so much going on under the surface with them. Like people, really. Meanwhile, the squirrels are one of my favourites!

  2. I think your pictures are interesting. Sometimes we don't stop to take a look at things like mushrooms. It's good that you noticed them.

  3. I like your pictures. Mushrooms, squirrels or anything else is good with me 😏

  4. Just don't eat those mushrooms!

  5. Oh no, I thought I have a partner right here.
    But, do we need mushrooms more or the other way around?
    Maybe I should ask Alice.
    I wonder whether Alice is holding any handphone....

  6. They don't scream when you burn them do they?

    1. It may be odd, but I swear I've sometimes heard screaming sounds coming out of the wood stove.

  7. I've taken a lot of pictures of those fungi growing on trees and they never turn out to be as interesting as they seemed in real. Yours are better than any I've ever gotten. So maybe you have a real feel for them.

    Squirrel-watching doesn't seem like a bad thing, but I'm sure that your eye for nature in all its forms will return more easily when Spring finally arrives for good.
