
Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Legendary Black Squirrel

Many of you have seen lots of squirrels before. But have you ever seen a black squirrel? These little critters are kind of rare. As far as I know you have to live in the United States to ever see one. And even then you might never get a look.

You might even live within a mile or two of these little guys and you'd never know they exist. They live in small communities and never seem to venture far from them. So far I've found them in exactly two places. I know there are more, but that's my personal experience.

I'll tell you that these dark little squirrels seem so mysterious just from their appearance. It's just that I never imagined that black squirrels existed until what is now many years ago when I finally saw my first one. I was just so amazed and excited to see that dark little figure running around my new neighborhood so long ago.

These two pictures of this black squirrel are the best I've ever taken. I was able to get these because I took a trip to a far away island where the squirrels are so numerous that they lounge around on the grass right alongside the human visitors to this strange and squirrely place. This is not a joke. It really happened.

That place has all of the major types of squirrels I've seen. And they are not afraid of humans even a little. When the squirrels saw me get out of my truck several of them came running up to greet me. I thought it was kind of creepy so I got back in the truck.

I was still able to get many excellent squirrel pictures. But I insisted on keeping my distance. I just don't think wild animals should be that comfortable with humans. I don't think it's good for them. Maybe I'm mistaken. I guess dogs were wild at one time too. Now they're our best friends. Who knows? Maybe one day we'll all have our own pet squirrels. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Pet squirrel? That's a different idea.

  2. aw, very photogenic lil' fellows. All squirrels are fun to watch, whatever the flavor.

  3. We've never seen black squirrels out here - most of the time I see them on blogs, it's from people in the eastern U.S.

  4. The only black squirrels I've seen are in pictures

  5. There are black squirrels in Moline, IL--that's where my husband grew up. I LOVE to see them..their fur is like silk. I enjoyed seeing this guy today!

  6. Pet squirrels in Wonderland, tamed by Alice.

  7. What fantastic photos of a lovely little critter Ratty, I didn't even know there was a black squirrel. In the UK we have a red squirrel but I think now it is only up north as it was just about over run by the grey squirrel when it entered our country so they too are rarely seen.

  8. I have only seen these beauties on blogs and would love to meet one "in person" ....
