
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Winter Sunset

It's interesting to see the difference between what the eye sees and what the camera sees. When I looked at this sunset with my own eyes the Sun was a huge dark orange ball, much bigger than what you see here. The edges of this great orb were also more defined. It didn't give nearly the obscure glow that the camera sees.

I think the pictures I took are just fine, but I liked what my eyes saw much better. This isn't the most remarkable sunset you'll ever see, and it's also not the best I've seen, but all sunsets are nice to look at. It's unique to me because it's the first one I've gotten pictures of when there was snow on the ground.

Growing up in the city for most of my life I never really got to see any good sunsets. There were always buildings of some kind in the way. Because of this getting a picture of a sunset, any sunset was always a major goal of mine. So while these may not seem to be very spectacular pictures to anybody else, they are the fulfillment of a lifelong dream for me.

We all have dreams that maybe don't seem special to others, or maybe they do in some cases, but it can be the greatest feeling when we can realize those dreams. Some of my dreams are big and some are small. I'd like to see an owl for myself one day. I've never seen one except in video or pictures. I'd also like to be a billionaire. One of these two is a little easier to do than the other for me. I'm not sure which one.

Today I'm just happy that I got a few sunset pictures. Sure I've gotten sunset pictures before. But now it seems like a big thing every time I get another. There are lots of things in nature that are like that for me. In that way I'm delighted every time I go outside. Nature is such a wonderful thing. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Your eyes are a longer exposure than your camera. I like what the camera can create

  2. Those are lovely pictures. But I totally understand where you're coming from when you say it looks even better in person. A camera never captures everything perfectly.

  3. It doesn't matter what anyone sees in the photos. The important part is what it means to you, a lifetime seeking sunsets. Well done!

  4. My human loves sunsets, but she knows what you mean about photographing them. She usually lowers the exposure to get detail in the highlights, or to get more definition in the sun, but when she does that, it usually throws everything else into silhouette. The camera isn't as good as seeing the overall picture as the human eye.

  5. I know exactly what you mean. So many times the pictures I take just don't do justice to what I actually saw. I like your sunset picture. I appreciate any I actually get to see since they are always blocked by buildings here

  6. I would be proud of that sunset picture. It looks great with the snowy foreground. I'm always happy to get a great sky shot .... I wish I could take flight shots of birds and good candid shots of people. I would not mind being a billionaire but I would settle (at my advanced age) for continuing good health.

  7. It goes both ways--sometimes the photo is better than what you see with your eyes too!
