
Friday, February 17, 2017

Even Cooler Than Last Time

I've not been quite as quick to post this one as I'd hoped, but here it finally is. Anyway, last time I said I'd try to get some cooler pictures for this next post. And here they are! You can't get much cooler than snow, snow, and more snow. You're looking at about ten inches of the white stuff in these pictures.

Just before this snowstorm I was thinking about how lucky I was that we haven't had much snow around here yet. There were some bricks out at the back of my property that I had been planning on collecting for a little project. But that's all going to have to wait now until the snow melts. The waiting is the hardest part.

So now I'm going to have to figure out what I'm going to do until then. Snow just doesn't melt overnight you know. I considered fishing around in the snow for those bricks, but I don't think that's really going to work well. I guess I'll just have to do something else.

The dog really likes playing in the snow. I could stand out there throwing snowballs at her. That's actually one of her favorite games. I'd post the pictures of that, but I already did that my first year here.

My dog used to really enjoy being in front of the camera. I'd point it at her and she'd come running. Now she makes a point of looking away. It's as if she knows or something. I really do think she's upset at being denied that million dollars she begged for a few years ago. You'll have to search the blog to find out about that little incident.

So why am I talking about goofy dog stuff? Because, as you can see, there's a ton of snow out there and not much else to do. I got some cool winter pictures though. And when the snow melts there's nothing but mud between the house and the garage. I'd get some gravel to put on the path, but I can't find out where to get any. My dad would have known.

Maybe you can tell by what I have written that I'm feeling a little stir crazy right now. I do have to admit that I'd really rather be out on one of my everyday adventures. My brother sent me a bunch of cool deer pictures on my phone recently. Even he's doing better than me right now. Time to make some big plans. I'll talk to you later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. no thoughts . . . just thought I'd say hi.



  3. Look under sand and gravel in your phone book. It often costs more to deliver than the product so give them a measurement and they can tell how much it would take. Maybe a good area to put a deck instead.

  4. Snow is mostly gone here in west Michigan. In the next week we could hit 60 degrees. I'd rather that it waited until spring.

  5. I bet we'd be stir crazy if the snow had us stuck inside too!

  6. I hope you can get out soon, Ratty. It sounds like you have cabin fever right about now.

  7. That's a lot of snow. I can relate to going stir crazy this time of year. I don't mind hearing silly dog stories. You can't lose when you talk about a dog

  8. beautiful pictures, snow makes the scenery always look peaceful and calm

  9. A white white world.

    Do you find Snow White?

  10. Beautiful snow pictures, but I know I would be crazy (crazier?) from cabin fever; I don't do well when I get cold, so would be stuck inside pretty much always. (I guess I'd have to get a dog -- as that would get me outside even if I didn't want to go.)

  11. Yep. It's that time of year...nothing going on...just waiting for Spring. Put out some homemade suet to see what birds you attract. That may help pass the time.
