
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Rising River

I decided to go to Oak Grove State Park to check on the level of the Big Sioux River there. There has been such a danger of flooding around here that I've been watching the river quite a bit. Some parts of it seem fine, but here at the park it is up quite a bit.

I took the pictures wondering just how I was going to show you that this river is up a little higher than might be good. I could see it right away because I've been here many times before. It was clearly apparent to me that the river is much higher than normal.

Of course my dog wanted to go right down to the river's edge to investigate, but that would have been too dangerous. We can get pretty close but there is a steep slope when you get right up close, and the river flows pretty fast. I would have shown you a picture of the dog, but the one I took wasn't very flattering. I've shared her with you in the past so you can check my archives if you want to see her. She looks properly impressive there.

Here's a picture of the river I took almost exactly two years ago. You can see that the river bottom is showing in some areas. You'll not see that in my new pictures. Not even a little bit. I'm not sure the river is usually that low either, but maybe it is. That's the usual way I always saw it.

One major thing I've noticed as I sit here looking at these contrasting pictures is how the trees differ. In my new pictures everything is so green and beautiful. The old picture looks like spring is maybe just beginning. I didn't expect that. I've been thinking how late spring arrived this year. This changes my feelings a lot.

These next two pictures show the river in both directions. Whenever I'm here I take these same pictures. Sometimes I wonder what is the point since I've done it all before, but this place looks different every time I'm here, as you can see by the older picture. I have to remember that myself because sometimes I forget.

I didn't stay very long at the park this time because I visited on a Sunday. The weather was wonderful that day. You'd think it would be ideal, but it wasn't. The weekend is when everyone else goes to the parks. I shy away from crowds. I like the solitude of the weekdays. So I'll come back again when I can have this place all to myself.

This park is never too crowded, except at the river. I guess I could have walked a few of the trails. But I'm just more comfortable while I'm alone. It will also give me another adventure to share when I visit again. The animals don't like lots of people either, so I didn't see any. Maybe next time I'll see a deer or two while on the trails.

Even with the other people, two groups seemed to be having parties, I did what I came here to do. I wanted to check the level of the river here. I guessed it would be high, and I was right. So I'm satisfied, and that's all that matters. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Water is high here also. Went to a lake and fished from where I usually park

  2. What a great exposition on the cycle of life


  3. I have come to the conclusion that a "normal year" is nothing more than a fictional construct.

  4. We have been having some short storms this past week and it is now cold too! I don't live near the water, but I am sure it is high by now.

    I can see your river is rising indeed. Luckily you had a picture from two years ago for us to see the different.

  5. That is some river - especially considering how dry it was not that long ago.

  6. we also visit parks and bike trails during the week. our parks and beaches are so over crowded on the weekends, it's impossible to enjoy them. your pictures are beautiful!!!

  7. It's beautiful!

    Like you, I prefer to be outdoors when nobody else is around. I think you see and hear so many more things when there are less people there. And it is less annoying.
