
Friday, June 3, 2016

A Nice Little Bird

These are the first decent bird pictures I've taken in a natural setting in quite some time. I'm very out of practice. Hopefully I'll get better as I go out more. It's going to take some time, but I did it before so I think I can get good again.

I believe this bird is an Eastern Phoebe, but I could of course be wrong. Since I haven't been seeing many birds in the past few years I'm out of practice identifying them, so I'm also not as confident in my identification. But I think I still can do okay.

Here's the original picture of the bird, above. It looks far away in the picture, but it was even farther away than that. I couldn't really see the bird with my eyes. I only knew it was there because I saw it land there. I wasn't even sure it was still there when I was taking the pictures.

I thought the bird was maybe a robin when I was taking the pictures, but I kept seeing this flash of what looked like a dull yellowy color. You can see in this picture it almost looks yellow. I did confirm that the bird was still there when it finally flew away.

My old instincts aren't gone all the way because I was able to follow the bird with my eyes to an even farther away place. I saw it land on a branch in the picture above. Again, once it landed I couldn't see it anymore, but I knew it was there.

It took me a few seconds but I finally found the branch in the camera's view screen. I blindly took the shot and figured at the time that I probably got nothing. I even doubted that the bird was still there. But when I got home I saw the bird sitting right there on the very branch I assumed it had landed on. You can see it there in the top left.

I'm starting to have fun now. Posting a little more often and seeing more nature is the best thing for me. Hopefully I can keep it up. We'll see what happens. And who knows what I might come up with next. Big things seem to happen sometimes when I get going. I'll talk to you later.


  1. It is a pretty bird!

    Last year I went through a long period of time without even touch my camera. It starts to come back now :)

  2. You did pretty good for going a little blindly!

  3. It looks like an eastern phoebe. They are regular summer time visitors to this neighborhood. I love to watch them catch bugs in the air.

  4. Love your bird pictures! You have a sharp eye to spot it in those trees!

  5. a pretty little bird, they don't come to my feeders!!!!

  6. It's hard to get them to hold still.I shot a lot to get a little.

  7. I've never seen and eastern phoebe so I'll take your word for it :) I think you did good. It won't take you much practice at all

  8. These are great photos! I'm glad you're out and about and enjoying yourself again. I look forward to your photos.

  9. Wow, it sounds like an original and familiar Ratty.

    Where are squirrels?

    1. I miss my squirrels. I haven't seen any in awhile.

  10. I read the comments too and it sounds like you were right in your ID (I didn't have any idea). I shoot bird photos the same way you do -- even big birds like our eagles... I'm never sure until I download if I actually had the camera in the right place p>)~ You did great.

    I'm glad you are getting out more.

  11. I like your technique of pointing and's apparently working!

  12. nice shots ,bird is prety ,glad that you thought to post often
