
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Froggy In The Window

My back door has a big window in it that I keep open so my dog can look out of whenever she wants. Usually I close it at night because the dog ignores it then. Tonight was different though. The dog kept barking and barking at something she thought was on the porch. She was furious.

I thought she was barking at a reflection of her water dish, so I walked over and cartoonishly scolded the water dish reflection for her. It seemed to make her really happy that I was on her side. She wasn't quite so frustrated after that, but she kept barking.

After I had ignored her for awhile, I looked over at the door because her barking had changed. She seemed a little alarmed. There in the middle of the glass was this frog. It could be a toad, but who cares? It was climbing around on the glass, and the dog wanted no part of it. But I did.

I grabbed my phone and took several pictures of the frog/toad. Most of them were too blurry because of the dark, but these two were kind of acceptable. I was so grateful to this little creature because I have no other sources for pictures right now because it just won't stop raining. Someday, one day I'll go outside again.

One more thing before I go. I wrote a new short fiction story over at my Rat Tales blog. It's called Davey And The Little Blue Bird. As I am of all of my stories, I'm proud of this new little bit of fast food for the mind. I haven't written a story in a long time until now.

This story is kind of a prequel to another story I wrote a few years ago. They both share a common character. You can find a link to that other one on the blog there. If you do decided to take a look, I hope you like it. The story is also linked to a series of stories I wrote. If you read them all, you might recognize a few characters.

But anyway, there's always my next post right here at The Everyday Adventurer. I'll have that just as soon as it stops raining or if I get another little critter at my window. Who knows what could happen? So I guess I'll talk to you later.


  1. A tree frog, I posted a shot on my last post

  2. We see tree frogs on our windows once in a while. Cute little fellows.

  3. Wow, how cool that you got a frog visitor! I loved your story, BTW.

  4. How much is that froggy in the window. :) I got a giggle out of picturing you scolding the water dish reflection

    1. I'm glad somebody figured out where my title came from.:)

  5. Oh, you just knew that I would LOVE this little guy! We don't have tree frogs here...but I think they are out in the forest preserves nearby. I have to bring my frogs in...just bought 4 bullfrog tadpoles yesterday. :)

    1. Your bullfrogs are some of my favorite things to see.

  6. That is so cool! I can bet your dog was confused!

  7. We've had frogs attached to our window and garage door like that. So silly!

  8. What a great opportunity to take such unusual photos of the frog! I haven't seen this before!

  9. Poor little froggy was probably just trying to keep from drowning. I'm sorry it won't stop raining (I remember getting so tired of the rain, from when we lived in Oregon -- especially tiresome in the spring.) The frog photos are great though and if it won't stop raining at least you see interesting things out of your window!!

  10. That frog by your window looks so cute, glad you took a picture

  11. The frog unintentionally shows its another side.
    But lucky enough we have a chance to see this rare side of a frog.

  12. Great photos Ratty...especially in the conditions with which you took them. I Have already read and commented on your story.
    Hope the rain soon stops so that you can go back out with yoru camera!
