
Sunday, December 6, 2015

What a Huge Weather Change

I took these pictures the week before Thanksgiving. Since then all this snow melted and we had another big snowstorm that made things look just like this again. I'm back home and ready to get back to blogging again, but now everything outside is covered about a foot deep in snow. I'm going to have to be kind of creative with my posts.

I've been home again for a couple of weeks but it's been really hard getting back into the internet and blogging. When I'm away for awhile it gets hard to start writing again. Once I get started though I begin to feel like my old self again.

When I stepped outside the day I took these pictures it took me a little bit to remember how to get my camera to capture the snowfall properly. In case you're wondering, you need to turn on your camera's flash to capture falling snow with it. I have to change a few settings to get my camera to use the flash.

Another thing I've always had to do with any of my better cameras is adjust the pictures later on my computer. The camera always tries to adjust for the outside light, but always gets it wrong with snow. I end up having to go back in and brighten up the pictures. I hate that.

I'm not sure even these pictures show how much snow there really was. We ended up with about a foot of snow. It was coming down so much that it was hard to see very far. I hope the rest of the winter is a little easier as far as snowfall is concerned.

My next post, which is coming soon, will also be more snowy pictures. I'm not quite sure what to do after that. I'll try to get out to some nature parks if I can. The snow may prevent some of that. Maybe I'll get out the bird feeder again this year. I don't want to torture you too much with that though.

I wonder if I'll see any animals this winter other than running out in the road in front of me. It seems like that's the only time I see any around here. That happens at least once a day. I also really need to find a nature park here with some trees. I miss the trees. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Winter looks beautiful in pictures.
    But it is too cold to me.

  2. Lovely photos. The falling snow looks awesome. Please take care. Without going out in this heavy snow, I am sure you can find some interesting topics to post in your blog without venturing out.

    Best wishes

  3. 75 degrees this morning in Tampa. This is the time of the year to live in Florida. Though your snow is pretty. brrrr

  4. oh my, that's a lot of snow. It's pretty in the pictures but a foot is way too much for me. I know it will be coming soon here though. We've had a little bit of snow but nothing that has lasted

  5. Cool snow photos - you did a good job of fixing whatever the camera got wrong!

  6. You got more than me, its all gone. I am in CO playing in it today

  7. Today in west Michigan, our world is green, but we're surrounded by a sea of fog.

  8. Your honesty about writing is refreshing. Yes, it can be hard to restart but once you get going it just sort of seems that it feels soooo right!

  9. What beautiful shots! When I'm gauging how much snow there is, I always look at how weighed down the branches are. I miss snow. And at the same time, I don't miss snow. I need a teleportation device.

  10. ahhh, love love all the pics, I have not captured falling snow yet in camera, I always wonder why they disappear :) I guess it is because I hated to use flash, but not, thanks so much for the tip, I will surely look into that :) makes me excited for something to try

  11. Gorgeous snow photos! Good luck getting back to blogging - I also have to do so now that my studies are on a short hiatus!

  12. The falling snowflakes are beautiful. But so cold
