
Monday, September 21, 2015

What I Found In The Hills

So here I am showing you a picture of what looks like random hills. Why would I do that without there being something there? I probably wouldn't, but just wait till I get bored one of these times. That's not what this is. I actually found something in these pictures.

You have to look really closely in the back of the top picture, just in front of the hills. You'll see some black dots there if you look hard enough. There are only black dots because I took the picture with my phone. My phone camera is great but it just doesn't zoom as well as my big camera. The second picture is the one that we want.

This second picture is a crop of the first one. They're still hard to see, but you can now see that I have a picture of wild bison (buffalo). Sure I've had closer pictures of buffalo before, but those aren't the wild ones. These animals are roaming free in the biggest preserved area of prairie in America, Broken Kettle Grasslands.

These are the closest buffalo I've seen here yet. I wish I would have had my good camera with me. Then I would have been able to show you some excellent pictures. Still, this was a good event for me. And I've seen evidence of them being even closer at times. They leave biiig droppings.

This spot is quite a ways from where I saw them before. Most of the places they go aren't places I can see. But I'll look for them here from now on, and I'll bring my good camera. At least I got to see them at all. That made it a very good day. I'll talk to you later.


  1. How exciting. It's one thing to see an animal in captivity it's a whole other thing to see them roaming free.

  2. Seeing wild bison is on my human's bucket list... not sure it is on mine!

  3. That's very special. A few miles from here there is a farm where they breed bison. You should see the fences around that place.

  4. Very nice to see those bison.I used to go on the back

  5. COOL! Of course, you never have your good camera when you need it. Rats. Great find, Ratty! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hello, I clicked on the photo and could see the wild bison happily grazing with no one to disturb them. They are living in a very peaceful world and minding their own business. I wonder how they will react if a human goes near them.

    Living in a city I hardly get to see wild bison. We have to go to the zoo.

    I enjoyed your write up and these interesting photos.

    Best wishes

  7. It's just wonderful to see wild animals, roaming free, the way Mother Nature intended!! The image is beautiful!!

    Never leave home without the good camera. That assures you will see something awesome to photograph!!

  8. That's great you got to see them! (Yes, I can imagine the size of the droppings they leave!)

  9. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
    But that is out of control of your camera.

  10. Great to see these amazing beasts ( I didn't know there were any in your area). Sure makes you think about what it must have been like to see the countryside with huge herds of them back in pioneer days)!

  11. So nice to catch up with you Ratty...and to see wild buffalo must have been great.....I think it is always nice to see something truly natural!!

  12. What a treat to see buffalo in person like that, Ratty!

  13. Clearly you saw a lot. Nice observations here Ratty!
