
Friday, July 31, 2015

A Truck I Found In The Country

I found this truck as I was driving around in the country. As soon as I saw it I thought it would make a great picture. The whole area the truck was in looked like a yard full of junk that my dad would have been proud of.

I have no idea what to do with all the junk way out here, so all my dad's junk is still lying around out there. I've gotten rid of some of the more valuable pieces, but much of the old junkyard is still intact. None of it is attractive to look at like this old truck, so I let the jungle grow around it.

The truck is in amazing condition for what it is. You won't see many like it anymore, except the really fixed up ones that some people have. I guess it could be worth a little bit to the right person. To me it is worth this one picture that turned out so good. I'll talk to you later.


  1. What a great shot - I love photographing stuff like that ;o)

  2. A great find there, Ratty. When I see something like that truck, I wonder about its history. What stories could it tell?

  3. Cool photo! My human loves old cars and trucks too.

  4. imagine that truck in pristine cool to drive around.

  5. Love the shot. I drive by a far that has a truck similar to this sitting out by a barn. I've often wanted to stop and take a picture but have been too chicken

  6. BEautiful shot. Once loved ... Just like all your dad' old stuff... And that is what makes your job so damn hard! (Been there, done that, trying not to do it to our kids. But it is hard. Even when you live in small spaces as we do "stuff" just accumulates. )

  7. Hi Ratty, it has been a long time and so many things have happened! I lost WanderingThoughts a few years back. And then I took a long time away from blogging too. I have just working to come back slowly, and will be posting on BeyondZephyr and BeyondWandering periodically.

    The truck photo is quite beautiful, indeed.

    Hope all is well with you :)

  8. that's a very cool picture, I love Indiana JOnes and everytime I see sights such as this, I wish I were in the pic the other Indiana Jones :)
