
Monday, April 6, 2015

The Last Of The Cardinals

These pictures are the last of the Cardinals at my bird feeder in a long time. This is the only time either of the cardinals got this close to the feeder. They have never actually used it. They seemed to like the bell feeders just fine, but this new feeder just doesn't seem to be their thing.

The male Cardinal hopped around on the porch one day when there was some bird seed spilled there, but he didn't want to use the feeder either. After these pictures I haven't seen either of these birds for weeks now. I really hoped the day I took these pictures that they were back now, but I guess they just don't like it.

The female Cardinal flew away when she saw the Downy Woodpecker coming to the feeder. This is the last picture I have of her. The Woodpecker seems very possessive of this feeder and comes over every time any other bird comes near. Maybe that's why the Cardinals are staying away.

Oh well. I'm actually looking for pictures of new birds anyway. I already have pictures of Cardinals that I've shared. I can't keep showing the same birds over and over. I'm only sharing these pictures because I think this is kind of an interesting development with the Cardinals. Besides, I love it when I get a picture of a bird in flight. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Aw too bad the cardinals don't like the new feeder. I have a few that come to mine all the time. Maybe you could offer a bell feeder in addition to this feeder to try and entice them back

  2. maybe they're just busy nesting and are finding food plentiful in other areas. or they're just choosy. :)

  3. Maybe you should get a second, different feeder and see if it attracts different birds?

  4. Is it the feeder? Or the food. Try putting out just sunflower seeds. They love them! It might just be the food you are using.

  5. Beautiful images of the Cardinals.

  6. i like that feeder, with the suet pockets on the side. the cardinals probably feel safer with the openness of the bells. you inspired me to pick up a few more!!!

  7. I wonder if it is the type of seed mix in it. Woodpeckers love suet.
