
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bird Watching Bella

Alright, so I already did a post of Isabella looking out the back window. But I never showed you what she was always watching. Isabella watches the birds as much as I do. If she's not at the window when the Juncos show up she rushes over to see what they're doing, like with this one.

At first I thought she was watching these birds for the same reason I was. but I have learned very much differently. When I was out of the room I kept hearing Isabella barking and growling at something. I kept wondering what it was, but she would always stop when I'd come back. Then after awhile I caught her.

She's been barking at the birds when they go to the feeder. She seems to think they're not supposed to be there. She hates that they're invading her back porch, and she thinks eating from that feeder is something they're not supposed to be doing. She's trying to protect the house from them.

I keep trying to tell her that they belong out there, but I don't think I'm convincing her. All she knows is that they're out there messing around and I'm putting up with it. She keeps quiet when I'm in the room so she won't get into trouble, but she doesn't like these little invaders one bit. I guess dogs will be dogs. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Might have some bird dog in her. She will get used to them, I put a feeder next to my bedroom window for my catz.

    1. She definitely has some bird dog in her. Unfortunately she catches the birds much too easily.

  2. awwwww, maybe a little jealous at all the attention they are getting!!

    bird watching is so calming (except when you are trying to capture the perfect picture) it looks like it may be for isabella!!!!

    1. I think Isabella worries that those birds are stealing the bird seed.

  3. Delightful photo of Bella watching the birds ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

    1. Isabella seems to like watching the birds so much.

  4. Replies
    1. She really does think she's protecting the bird feeder.

  5. She is protective of her family! Really can't fault that. And apparently the birds know she can't hurt them!

    1. Some of the birds don't even flinch when she barks at them.

  6. How sweet that she is looking out for things around there. I must admit though that when Gibbs is in his serve and protect mode barking at the window it does get a bit annoying :)

    1. It really bothers me when Isabella goes running up to the window when I'm trying to get a picture. I always forgive her though.

  7. That is so funny! And we kitties would be watching the birds and dreaming of them becoming a meal themselves.

    1. I sometimes think Isabella is dreaming of them becoming a meal too.

  8. Does she try to "attack" them if you let her out? Dogs are great, but they sure dampen the wildlife viewing opportunities.

    1. Isabella does try to attack the birds. She first plays with them and eventually kills them. She catches them much too easily.

  9. oh, i think dogs love to chase birds away :) i see a lot of dogs at the beach chasing the birds away, and well, i didn't mind since sea gulls steal my food, but dogs don't :)

    1. Dogs chasing seagulls are fun. Isabella catches birds though.

  10. Even a dog needs a hobby! Cant just sleep all day!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. I'm kind of glad Isabella's hobby is similar to mine.

  11. So lovely to see Isabella. I think she is just letting you now that here is the possibility of invaders when you aren't in the room, Clever girl!!

    1. I think she tries to hold back from barking at them, but sometimes she just can't help herself.

  12. I'm guessing she is a hunting dog. Maybe she just has that instinct born into her.

    1. She definitely is a hunting dog. She is very skilled at catching small animals, especially birds. I really hate when she catches them and then happily looks up at me to seek my approval. I can't yell at her for something her instincts tell her is good.
