
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Taking My Dog With Me

I'm back with this post a little later than I wanted to be because I didn't really have anything to write about. It gets kind of tough when most of my new pictures are much too similar to some of my other recent pictures. That's what happens when I don't see many animals.

I used to write mostly about all the little forest creatures I'd come across, but I just don't see them here, and when I do I never get the picture. Just yesterday I saw a fun little squirrel playing outside my front door, but my phone crashed and I had to reset it to get the pictures. By the time I got back the squirrel was gone.

Then when I was on the trails you see in these pictures, I came across a black-capped chickadee hopping around the trail in front of me. I wanted badly to get a few pictures, but unfortunately I had my dog with me. Isabella also saw the cute little bird. She lunged forward in an attempt to grab it, and it flew away just in time.

I have to keep a close eye on Isabella as far as birds are concerned. She's an expert bird catcher. I buy her lots of toys with squeakers in them. She loves to squeeze them and fling them around while chewing on them to get them to make the squeaking sound. She does that with birds too, and she also likes the sounds they make.

A long time ago when I couldn't have a dog, I walked the nature trails alone, telling myself that when I moved to a place where I could have a dog I would take it on the trails with me every time. I knew the dog would love it as much as I do, and now I know that I was right.

Isabella loves going to the nature parks with me, but sometimes I wonder if I should go without her sometimes. Even though she stops whenever I need her to, I wonder if getting pictures of animals might be a little easier without her. I'm not ready to cruelly leave her behind yet, but I still think about it sometimes.

I'm still not sure if I'd have any better success though. I was getting some good pictures of birds with her a couple of years ago. And some of the feistier squirrels will run close enough so they can do their best to tease her. I think I'll keep her along for the time being.

Oh, I guess I should explain today's pictures a little bit. They are all from the little park I was complaining about a couple of posts ago. As you can see, this place is much better than I made it out to be then. There are plenty of trees in some places, and I love that foot bridge. I haven't figured out that little theater area yet. I wonder what it's used for.

The only problem I have really is all of the hills I have to walk up and down here. Hills just kill my back, especially recently. I used to be able to handle these smaller hills just fine, but lately I can't even do those. I think I need to practice a bit more on my treadmill so I can get back into shape. Maybe then I'll like the hills again. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Bet they do nature programs at the theater.

    1. That would be wonderful. I'd like to see something like that.

  2. The bridge over "no-water" is cute.

    1. It has water if it floods, but that only happens every few years. :)

  3. I don't mind seeing pictures that aren't much different than other you have taken. Who get's tired of seeing interesting outdoor scenes? Not me!

    1. I just get a little self conscious sometimes about it, especially because I really do tend to take the same picture most times I visit a place.

  4. That little amphitheater is cute. I wonder if they have interpretive programs in the summer.

    1. I need to visit it more in the summer so I can find out.

  5. Pretty photos! Isabella sounds very prey driven. I get that, so are most of us kitties. She is probably part of the reason you don't see too many critters around - they have to be pretty brave, and used to to dogs, to come around.

    1. She is part of the reason, but not all of it. I need to get acquainted better with my ne3w surroundings I think.

  6. I don't think Isabella would know that you were going hiking unless you slip and tell her--so I don't think it's "cruel" to leave her home sometimes. It might be worth it if you can actually see some animals.

    It's good to see your hike photos--even if you think they look a lot alike. I don't. It's fun to see my fellow blogger's surroundings.

    1. I'm really not sure I'd see more animals without her, but the walking might be easier without her pulling at the leash. I might be abler to focus on things better without her sometimes.

  7. My experience tells me that where you used to hike there were less wild areas therefore wildlife concentrations were higher. Now you are surrounded by miles and miles of wild land. Wildlife can spread out, enjoy their large surroundings, and truly be free from human impacts.

    1. I completely agree with you. Before I got here I kind of knew it would be this way. But it does sometimes get difficult because it's not nearly as easy without all those city critters roaming around that are so used to people. I think I still need to get used to my surroundings here a bit better. I'm trying to learn about new things I can appreciate while I'm out there.
