
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Towers Of Sunset

I took these pictures with my phone. I may take most of them with the phone from now on. It's so much easier to carry than the big camera. I'll still bring the camera along if I'm going on a bigger trip with some good potential to use the zoom, but the phone does pretty well for everything else.

I featured these Towers In Time in  a post about 6 months ago, but I had to share these pictures because they came out so well. Even though I still like these, the picture quality has lost something after shrinking them down for blog use. The high resolution versions look stunning.

I went to this place looking for Halloween decorations but they took them down a week before Halloween. I would have expected that to happen maybe a day or two after. I guess I'll remember that one next year. I'm guessing most of the decorations would have been the same as I shared here before anyway. Oh well.

I love the way this second picture looks. It looks like an ancient archaeological site. It's like something that you'd find on the other side of the world from here; never in Nebraska. I think there is supposed to be water flowing through those rocks, but I haven't been here yet when it's turned on.

I guess maybe the fall season kind of enhances the cool barren quality of the picture. Now I wonder if the place would look so good in the summer time. Maybe it would look completely different. I hope it still looks as fascinating. I'm going to have to find out.

Fall hasn't seemed quite so bad to me this year as it has in years past. Some of you know I don't enjoy fall like I guess I should. I'm getting through it this year by not noticing it's there. I'm just doing the things I usually do, and that means going out on my average everyday adventures. In fact, I have something fun planned for tomorrow. I hope to have pictures from that here soon. Talk to you later.


  1. Replies
    1. I actually made a mistake in the post when I first wrote it, and I said this was in South Dakota. It's actually in Ponca State Park in Nebraska. I think maybe you've been there, but if not I left directions in the footer of the post.

  2. Reckon they took them down early? Or were they stolen?

    1. The people that work there told me they took them down early. I guess that's just the way they do it.

  3. These are amazing photos, especially for a phone camera!

    1. I've really been enjoying this phone's camera. There's not many that rival it.

  4. Those are really interesting. What are they? they don't look natural- some sort of rock garden?

    1. You're right, they're not natural. The towers have scenes of ancient life carved into them like fossils. They're called the Towers In Time.

  5. The lighting is perfect.

    And so are the towers.

    1. The lighting was all because of the time of day.

  6. Wonderful photos Ratty. The way the sky is so dark and the structures so light is a fantastic contrast, did you play with the pictures or was it just a great day for this shot??

    If you don't mind me asking, what phone do you have?? It is a really good quality picture.

    1. I didn't edit the picture even a little bit. I just got lucky and got the picture at the perfect sunset time of day.

      My phone is a Nokia Lumia Icon, a WindowsPhone. It's the same phone as the Lumia 930 where you are. WindowsPhone doesn't have as many apps as the other brands, but they have the very best cameras and they work very well with a Windows computer.

  7. Wonderful photography, especially for a phone camera. Beautifully shot! Very, very cool.

    1. Thanks. The camera on the phone is good, but the real credit belongs to the time of day it was.
