
Thursday, November 13, 2014

I Like The Trees

I've been saying a little bit that there aren't really a lot of trees around here in the nature parks. That's not always true. There are more trees in Michigan, but there are always areas in these parks here with lots of trees. I'm talking about this because I really love a lot of trees.

Because of the time of year now, I also have to worry about deer hunting season. Many of the nature parks near me are open to hunting. I can tell you that I don't really trust all hunters all the way to be safe, and I don't want to get shot, so I avoid these places right now.

So I can say that it's been really good to find this Adams Nature Area. Like I keep saying, it's mostly flat land, which is nice and easy on me. One of these days I'll get back into good enough shape to walk the hills well, and so will my dog. But that isn't today.

And even though there are large areas without trees here, there are large areas with them as well. This little trail above leads down to Mud Lake. Funny name huh? I have to add that you might be able to see a small downhill path. I know I've been badmouthing hills, but this little one is not only just fine, it's welcome. I like a few hills.

You can see that little sign post on the right side of the trail there. That's a picture of binoculars. That's there because the lake is supposed to be a good place to watch for water birds. I hope that's true because I plan on visiting here often. On my first trip I didn't see any yet.

You may notice that there's a little more writing in my posts again. That's because I have things to write about now. Walking nature trails has always been the main thing I like doing for this blog. The only thing I'm missing now is a little more frequent encounters with a few critters here and there.

That's something I've been missing here in Iowa is all of the animals I used to see. I have to be honest, I didn't expect to see so few when I moved here. I figured there would be more out here in the country, but I guess they just have more places to hide here.

I still see egrets by the side of the highway in the flooded cornfields, but I can't stop there and get any pictures. They fly away when I try. I also see deer darting out in the road, but it's kind of the same situation. And then there's the turkeys, but they're more city type birds around here. I'll have those pictures one of these times.

Oh, I guess I got a bit sidetracked there. In this last picture you can see a small building in the background. It's there so you can sit inside and watch the ducks. I'll give you a closer look in an upcoming post. Trust me, there's a reason for the closeup. I guess I'll talk to you in that post soon.


  1. What lovely photos. I'm so glad you've found inspiration for your writing again. This place looks really lovely. In my own walking I prefer it flat too, but am able to walk long distances.

    1. I can walk long distances on flat land too. Those hills get me every time though.

  2. I'm guessing all the animals are hiding from the hunters. I'm sure after they have lived through a hunting season or two, they move to quieter spots, right? I would!

    Good to see you back and writing again, Ratty!

    1. I wish sometimes the animals would hide a little better. The big river around here has a road running parallel to it, and the deer are always crossing it to get to the water.

  3. Time of day can be a factor seeing a few animals. Hunters could be in a tree above you and you may never know. I still go out, wear bright colors and not that antler hat. LOL Check out state forests, they are all pristine. Shimek you can rent a horse and take a ride into.

    1. I think I'm too paranoid even with bright colors. I prefer to just find the areas without the hunting this time of year. I do get brave some of the time though.

  4. It is good to get back a talkative Ratty.

    It is good to walk the nature again with you.

    1. I've missed my little nature trails. They give me plenty to talk about.

  5. This nature park looks pretty. But yeah, I don't think anybody wants to wander around too much when it's hunting season! Maybe that's why you see so few deer right now - they must really be human shy!

    1. I don't see many deer in any of the nature parks, but I see way too many of them crossing the roads.

  6. Loving the photos Ratty, I especially like how you have the trees from different seasons...they really are amazing things!!

    Looking forward to learn more about the hut and seeing the water birds.

    1. I'm still hoping to get a look at the water birds too. According to the signs I'll be seeing them if I visit often enough.

  7. That looks like a really neat place to visit. Will look forward to more posts.

    1. There will be plenty of more posts from this place. I plan to visit it often. I'll be going back here on my next little adventure.

  8. Great tree shots. Now those are spots I would love to experience.

    1. It's a nice easy park to explore. The best thing is that it has such a good variety of things to see.
