
Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Great Blue Heron

I keep wanting to write my posts more often, but it never seems to work out that way. I always look up and find out way too much time has passed. In between all of the busy and boring stuff I do I get to go out and see things like this Great Blue Heron.

I don't seem to have the time I'd like for anything I'd like to do, so every time I see things like this bird I really appreciate it. I have to say though that I do see these things kind of often. I see flocks of egrets in the cornfields near my house almost every day. But they're too far away to get any decent pictures. Oh well.

I kept trying to get the best picture of this heron but it kept walking away and turning its back to me. Even so, I think these are pretty good. I don't think I've ever gotten any better pictures of this kind of bird. It seems like I should have since I've seen so many now.

I wish I could be out there taking pictures like these every day. Now that the warmer weather is wining down it's going to become even more difficult. I'll have to do what I usually do and find cold weather stuff to do pretty soon. Fall always gives me that dread of the coming cold weather, but then I like it when it gets here.

I guess I've been doing more fun things than I think I do. I just got a new smart phone, the Lumia Icon. It's another Windows Phone with one of the best cameras out there for a phone. The camera is why I got it. Now I can take excellent pictures even when I don't have my good camera with me.

I'm also doing a bit of Geocaching again. There's plenty of opportunities for that all over the place around here. The great thing about it is that it gives me plenty of chances to get more nature pictures and go on my little adventures. I think that's enough for now. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Those are excellent pictures of the Heron. WTG!

    1. Thanks. I was able to sneak up on him pretty good.

  2. Fun to sneek up on them. My favorite big bird to get near. Just flew into IA last night so headed out this AM to explore where I am staying.

    1. I think these are the best pictures of one of these birds I've gotten so far.

  3. Replies
    1. I got him just in time before the cold weather begins to come.

  4. I think it's a healthy thing to be doing more off the computer than on. I've been working on that myself.

    Those are nice photos of the heron! Good work!

    I do not like herons, as I've had a few visit my pond. :( Now I have a fake plastic one to guard my pond. They are solitary creatures and won't come if there is one standing guard.

    1. I can just imagine that herons would give you fits with your pond.

  5. those are beautiful shots of heron, the contrast of the heron with the green vegetation in the pond and the beautiful lighting makes the pictures really stand out. same here, hardly could write up something for my blog too :( time pass by so fast when i think of what to write and i end up not writing anything at all :)

    1. Time really does keep getting away from me. Every time I say I'll be back sooner I take even longer the next time.

  6. Cool Bird TV you've got there! Even though we live in a big city, there are geocaching opportunities here - I may even go on a hunt with my human!

    1. I love geocaching, but I usually don't find the cache around here. They seem to hide them too well for me. I have to keep trying.

  7. I love those pictures with it wading deep and the grasses for perspective.

  8. I've always wanting to try out geocaching. It sounds like a lot of fun. I find it most helpful if I plot out my posts on a calendar. That way when I do have time I can spread them out and when I don't have much time, I know what to write about.

    I love your photos in this post and hope you get to explore more!!

    1. You'd love geocaching. You can do it all over the world. They even have one on the international space station.

  9. Hi Ratty...bust playing catch up yet always some wonderful posts and excellent photos from you. Hopefully it won't be too long before I am reading another post from you.

    1. I'm just now playing catch up too. I've been gone for way too long.

  10. Nice photos Ratty. One of our most stealth predators.

    1. I remember seeing one catch a fish and swallow it. That seems like such a long time ago now.
