
Monday, June 23, 2014

One Of My Favorite Places

I keep taking this picture above over and over. I take a picture from that spot every time I visit this place. I've posted these similar pictures a few times already. So why do I do it? Why do I keep sharing this so many times?

It's because I think it's such a beautiful scene. It shows me a beautiful scene of what's to come. As I take the picture I'm standing in the middle of the forest looking out into a beautiful valley, and even farther out to the wonderful Loess Hills, that seem to stretch on forever. It seems as if I'm looking at this through a giant picture window.

I'm looking out at the place I call home, the place I come from. I spent most of my life away from this place. I wasn't even born here, and I didn't grow up here. But my entire family is from here. I only got to see this place from all too brief visits to see my family. I always knew I belonged here. Now I get to live here.

The next part of the trail obscures the view from within the trees, but that view is back when you travel around a few more turns in the path. I haven't gone much farther than this place lately because I'm still a little too out of shape to get back up the hill after such a long hike. There are so many birds down in that valley, and I miss seeing them.

I haven't been able to even get to this place for the past several days because of the flood. The waters have receded a bit, revealing all of the ruined crops, but we get thunderstorms every night that refill it all quite a bit. I'll be back on the trails when the weather lets me.

I don't want to end things on a down note so I'll talk about a few other things. I've been seeing a lot of good nature things that I'll be writing about soon. I still haven't visited a few other good places that are close by, like the nature center that is just down the road from me, the whole time I've been here, really. And I also have a visit scheduled to the Sioux City Museum. That's going to be fun. I'll talk to you later.


  1. I don't blame you for photographing that scene multiple times - it is very beautiful and calming.

    1. I'll probably photograph it more times in the future. I can't get enough of that place.

  2. I agree with you that first view is very inviting.

    1. I wish I could get down that trail to the next beautiful place, but the hike going in is much easier than the one coming back out, and I'm not quite ready for it yet.

  3. I also take photos of the same places again and again. I like to hold on to places I enjoy, to be able to recall them at any time.
