
Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Damselfly And A Lesson

I haven't taken a picture of a damselfly like this one in a long time until now. I was talking about slowing down and taking a better look at my surroundings in my last post. Even though I'm still feeling a little lost around here, I'll always remember things like damselflies.

I've been out a lot recently so I think I'm getting a good chance to learn about my surroundings pretty fast. One of the still new things for me is hiking with my dog. When I was alone I could focus all of my attention on the nature around me. But with the dog I have to pay attention to her just as much. It's been a little bit of a struggle even when she tries to help me with what I'm supposed to do.

Just yesterday we were out on a nice little nature trail when she began pulling me in a direction I didn't want to go. I had my head down looking at her and becoming a little annoyed. I wanted to continue down the trail, so I tried to pull her with me, but she pulled right back. So I looked up a little bit and told her in a loud voice to come on. It was right then that I saw the deer that she was pulling me towards. It was standing only a little ways away observing us. But when I yelled it ran away. I have to learn to work with the dog a little more.

She was very patient while I was taking the pictures of this damselfly. She stood there waiting and kept some slack on her leash while I got the pictures. She's usually like that. I never believed that a deer would come so close with her there, only things like this damselfly. I still have some things to learn, but at least now I am going out and learning those lessons.


  1. My dogs hunt with me and often step into the shot

    1. I'm still getting used to the dog getting in the way. I hope I figure it out kind of soon.

  2. Ha! And I never thought I would tell anyone to listen to their dog (being a cat and all), but in this case, yeah, pay attention.

    Nice damselfly photo, BTW!

    1. It looks like we should pay attention to all the animals around us sometimes.

  3. “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” Thank you for your thoughts.

    1. I try to help when I can. Thanks for your comment.

  4. She got excited seeing a deer,just like you upon seeing buffaloes.

    1. Yeah, she doesn't see many deer. She was happy.

    2. What a lovely post. I agree - we often get lost in our thoughts but it is so important to notice the world around us, especially if we're outdoors.

    3. I'm just relearning to notice the world around me again. The dog is making it different.

  5. A dog really changes the encounters in the woods. The damselflies always make me smile

    1. Yeah, the dog really makes things different. Even with the difficulties I'm glad I have her with me. I always missed having a dog before.
