
Monday, March 3, 2014

Towers In Time

I have something for you that I never thought I might see. These stone monuments were a completely unexpected discovery. I found them at the entrance of Ponca State Park in Nebraska. The only other thing I know of in the world like this is Stonehenge.

I know there are other places in that area that are similar to Stonehenge, but none are as famous. I'm sure this place wasn't thinking of Stonehenge when they came up with it. Only I was. This place is impressively big, so I feel satisfied with seeing it.

I should have shown you the carvings on the stones up close. They show the natural and human histories of this place. You get to see everything from dinosaurs to humans carved on these stones. I took pictures of everything, but I just didn't know how to share it all with you.

This stone above tells the story of the monument. I won't tell you everything it says, but I will tell you that it names the stones as the Towers In Time. They really do fit that description as I described to you before.

I feel a little bit frustrated right now because I'm too busy to post as often as I'd like. It actually took me several days to get this one out. I did it piece by piece. When I don't post often I begin having trouble thinking up what to write. I'm having a little trouble right now.

I do hope to revisit these Towers In Time when the weather is better. Even so, I kind of liked the way the clouds were in these pictures. They gave everything a bit of a dramatic effect. I'm just glad the park was even open. Some aren't around here. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Who would have thought in staid Nebraska. Next time we cruise I-90 on our way to Colorado I'll check it out. I always bring my little point and shoot camera with me cause you never know what interesting subject you might run across to eventually post about on your blog....:)

    1. You can find a surprising amount of interesting things like this in this area. I've been finding more here than where I used to live. Some things are kind of small, but even those are fun and interesting. I hope to keep finding more and more as I find my way around the area.

  2. Yes, it looks very pre-historic!

    1. The fun part is that there are pre-historic looking carvings on the monuments.

  3. Replies
    1. I'll definitely be going back when it's quite a bit greener.

  4. Quote from my human: "Wow, those are cool rocks!" Leave it to her to find just the right words. :-p

    1. I had the same thought when I saw them. I never expected them around here.

  5. Wow! I would love to see these up close. Never knew they existed.

    1. They look even better up close when you can see the carvings.

  6. wow, they look very interesting and pretty, love the name "towers in time" too.

    1. I only found out the name when I began writing this post. I was too interested in looking at everything else.

  7. These are some strange structures.

    Towers in time.... I am thinking of going to the past... the time machine.

    1. You can almost go to the past by looking at these.

  8. Great tour Ratty! I'd like to see these in person some day. They look to be fascinating.

    1. They really do need to be seen in person so that a person can see all the carvings on the monuments.

  9. I agree. Their presence surprised me.
