
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I Think I Found A Bald Eagle

I found this bird while I was out driving around. I thought it was a hawk when I first took the picture, but I've never seen a hawk with a head and neck of that color. The only other bird that comes even close is a bald eagle. I think this must be a young one that hasn't turned all the way white on the head yet.

I wish I could have gotten a little bit closer than I did. my truck's window was still broken so I had to get out. That didn't make the bird happy at all. It only tolerated me for a few seconds before it flew away. I like getting out of the truck to get some of my pictures, but I'm glad I got that window fixed.

I did get a few pictures of the bird flying away. This was the best of the bunch. Catching a flying bird on camera is not an easy thing, and I'm happy every time I can do it. I was hoping the bird was going to land on another nearby tree, but it circled it once and then flew away. I'll keep watching for more of these birds.

I'm actually kind of excited even if this isn't a bald eagle. If it is, then I've seen my first one close up. If it isn't, then I've seen an all new bird I've never seen before. What could be better than that?

The only thing I could want more right now is to be able to get back out to the nature parks and do some hiking. I can't really do it right now because they're open to hunting until spring. I don't want to take the chance of some idiot shooting me even while wearing an orange suit. In the meantime I'll be driving around looking for good stuff. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Great shot though. I can understand your excitement.
    Hoping to see many more of your adventures in 2014.

    1. I hope I can make my adventures all unique and fun for you to read about.

  2. Pretty sure it's a hawk from the shape in flight. Maybe a juvenile as you say in a color change phase. But those are great pix!

    1. I kind of guessed hawk too, but that light colored head is strange.

  3. Typically a mature bald eagle would have a white tail. It's pretty hard to tell from the photo. It could also be a rough legged hawk, although I would expect more of a white chest.
    In any case a great find!

    1. By the pictures I just looked up, rough legged hawk looks like it could be the right one to me. The bird is more the size of a hawk than an eagle. Thanks.

  4. Ratty, it looks like a bald eagle to me but whether it is or not, it is an excellent shot. Happy New Year to you!

    1. Yeah, no matter what it is I'm glad I got the picture. It's the only one of whatever it is that I have a picture of.

  5. What a great set of photos, especially as you say, it was flying away. I think it looks like an eagle too but have no idea really.

    1. I've now seen pictures of hawks that look like this, so maybe it's a hawk. If so, I still consider it an accomplishment to get the picture. It was fun.

  6. Hawk, but a cool one, look over along the MO river, they love fish

    1. Yeah, it's the first hawk of its kind that I've seen, so this is just as fun as an eagle. I'll take a look by the river.

  7. I have no idea whether it is a bald eagle or not - it just looks looks like a scary humongous bird to me! Happy 2014 - I am looking forward to more nature photos!

    1. It is a pretty big bird. Maybe bigger than you. I wouldn't want to be near anything like that bigger than me either. I hope you have a happy 2014 too.

  8. what a very very pretty bird, glad you found it. Happy New Year.

    1. It's the first bird like this I've ever seen, so I'm glad I could share it. Happy New Year to you too.

  9. It does look like a bird of prey – good shots. Have a great year catching many birds virtually.

    1. The great thing is that there are many more birds of prey around here. I see them every day.
