
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I've Been Seeing Deer

I keep finding myself away from this blog for too long. I haven't really been able to get any pictures for awhile because I've been away during all the daylight hours. So I haven't had anything to post. By the time I get home I've been too tired to get on here so I just had to put things on hold until I got time to do things.

Now I'm finally getting some time back to start doing this again but I don't have any pictures yet. My solution to that is I'll use some old pictures for this post. I'll have some more new pictures in a few days. It's good to have the time to do all of this again.

On my way home every night I've been seeing deer in the fields for miles and miles. It's not odd for me to see about fifty deer in one night. That's really fascinating, but that's where a little problem begins. The deer come out right at the time it gets dark and I'm only there when it's getting dark. That makes it impossible to get pictures.

My solution to this is to use these old pictures for this post. I think this was the biggest herd of deer I saw about four or five years ago. There were about six deer. The herds I've been seeing now can reach about a dozen sometimes. It's really amazing. I only wish they'd come out in the daytime. I guess that'd make all the hunters happy too.

It's not only deer that I've been seeing when it's too dark. Just yesterday I went past a place where I saw several trees that were just full of turkey vultures. The light was a little better at the time but I only had my phone camera with me. That would have never worked out well. I thought the turkey vultures were elsewhere this time of year. It's possible I was seeing something else.

I'm going to spend the next couple of days catching up on my blog reading. I usually do that before I write a post, but I wanted to finally get this one out. I'll hopefully see some of you here in the comments section or I'll be reading your blogs. Until then, I'll talk to you later.


  1. I didn't know deer came out at night--we see deer when we go to the park all the time during the day. Also in the morning sometimes on the way to church.

    1. All the deer I've ever seen come out at night. It's mostly the tamer ones that come out during the day. I wish some of these would come out during the day though. :)

  2. Those are great pictures of the Deer. It does not matter that they were from other days. You can post whenever you have the time and or have pictures.

    1. I should be able to post a little more often now. I just went out and got some very good pictures for my next few posts.

  3. You may have seen eagles, the vultures have been gone for a while

    1. I'm pretty sure now what I saw was just turkeys. They were flying kind of far, and that kind of fooled me. I didn't know turkeys could fly as well as these were doing. The turkeys gather in that area all the time.

  4. That's a lot of deer in one place, but they do tend to herd up in winter. We are always happy when you are blogging.

    1. There are plenty of places for these bigger herds of deer to live around here, and plenty to eat. I see deer almost every night, e3ven in warmer weather. Right now they're eating what's left in the cornfields.

  5. Be careful when you are driving around - my human's boyfriend was back east a couple of months ago and a deer ran right out in front of his rental car. He couldn't avoid her and the car wound up being totaled. He was okay, though - he was lucky! I don't think the deer was as lucky. :-(

    1. I'm constantly worried that a deer will run out in front of me. I've had a few close calls. I've never seen any dead ones on the side of the roads around here yet.

  6. Oh, I get so mad when I see something and I either don't have my camera or the lighting is so that I can't capture it. Ugh.

    Glad when you post, Ratty.

    1. I'm going to try getting some pictures of the deer one of these times even when it's dark. I'm going to see how well my camera can do with poor light.

  7. Good to see you back Ratty...would be amazing if you managed to get some shots of those deer....maybe they are re-grouping to help out for Christmas!!! Hope you manage to get some photos soon!!

    1. I was lucky enough to get some pictures of the deer for my very next post, as you've already seen by now. I was glad I tried it.

  8. I also catch up with my blog reading before publishing my next post. I see it as an incentive to get my reading and commenting done!

    I love these photos as I'm a big fan of deer. Beautiful.

    1. That's exactly how I do it with all my blog stuff. As fun as it is, it's sometimes hard to keep up.
