
Friday, October 18, 2013

Horses And Stuff

 I drive by these horses several times a week so I thought one day that I should share them with you. They're actually not the only horses I drive past, but these are the privileged ones I've chosen. Maybe one day I'll pick some other horses to show you.

I'm kind of distracted today. There's been a lot of good geeky stuff going on for me in the past few days. The day before yesterday I got a new robotic vacuum cleaner. It vacuums the floor by itself while I sleep. I always wanted something like that for purely nerdy reasons. It's doing a marvelous job so far.

There's also a big update to Windows 8 that came out yesterday. My internet connection is too slow for me to have downloaded it all the way already, so I'm right in the middle of that. The computer geek part of me can't wait for this. I'm excited.

It's getting cold outside around here now. I sometimes wonder how animals like these horses handle the colder weather. I don't think they mind it as much as I do. I see cows, horses, and sheep out there doing just fine in colder weather than this.

I don't make it a big secret that I'm one of the few people who don't really like fall. This season kind of depresses me. I see everything from the warm weather months going away. I try to be more positive about it every year, but it doesn't seem to work.

I'm going to try to look for good things about fall once again this year. The color changing leaves. The big flocks of birds. Oh, I don't know, other stuff. I'm trying. I wish something would work to make me as happy about it as everyone else is. If you have any ideas, let me know. Talk to you later.


  1. Low humidity makes clear air (except when it's raining haha) Let me know how that vaccuum does with pet hair

    1. The vacuum is picking up the pet hair very well. I'm also seeing less of it each morning when I empty the trap out. The vacuum is doing a better job than I was.

  2. Without much experiences I can't talk much about four seasons.

    But I love them after having read too much about them.

    1. I think I still love all four seasons too, even fall. It would be better if I got to see fall from where you see it though.

  3. You should live in the southwest, Ratty! Fall isn't as painful here - it's subtle and many things do stay green year round.

    1. That might be an excellent idea. If I ever decided to go somewhere else, that might be the first area I'd consider.

  4. Lovely photos! I love horses although I've only rode on one a couple of times. We have wild horses round where I live. Sometimes I try walk across the marsh to the Thames but it's not considered wise to try pass the horses.

    1. I wouldn't try to walk past wild horses either. I'd love to be there to get some good pictures of them though. That would be fun.

  5. Coming from a long line of horse thieves these photos were tantalizing. I'll have to hold back the desires of my long held DNA.

    1. I've had some horse thieves in my family too. I once helped my uncle steal a horse, but we took it back after letting everybody ride it for a little while. I guess that's only borrowing.

  6. I saw some horses the other day that had added on some of their winter coat.. A lot of livestock get pretty shaggy this time of year. I laugh when I always talk to horses, they listen so well. There is a good trail ride to take in Niobrara State Park west of you in NE.

    1. I'll have to watch for longer hair on the animals. I'm not familiar enough with them yet to notice. It's only this year now that I've been getting out a lot to look at them. It'll be fun to watch for that kind of thing.
