
Monday, May 27, 2013

Just A Moment With A Robin

I had big plans. I had big plans to go out on the only sunny day of the week to get some great pictures. The only problem? Bugs! That's my excuse. As soon as I got out the door I was attacked by swarms of bugs. I hated it!

I did my best to get some pictures right here at home, because I've been getting some good stuff here lately, but those rotten bugs quickly chased me back into the house. I wanted to exterminate the lot of them. Bugs!

Eventually I decided that I might be overreacting, so I went back outside. I wasn't overreacting. Even though I was still being terrorized and tormented by the mighty swarms of bugs, I decided to get a few pictures anyway. That's how I ended up with these pictures of this robin.

At first the robin just wouldn't stay still, so I got this nice little action shot if the bird running to its next destination. I have to tell you now that I'm not claiming these are the best pictures ever to appear on the internet though. That kind of pictures just aren't my style anyway.

I try to get decent pictures, but what I'm really trying to do is capture the moment. I try to capture something I can talk about, even if what I say ends up having nothing to do with the pictures I'm sharing. How's that for logic?

The bird finally stopped for a little break. I got several pictures of the robin standing in this one spot. Unfortunately it was right between these light pole cables. A little cropping made the pictures slightly better, but still not the perfect shots I was imagining while getting them.

Soon the bird was off again, running to an as yet unknown destination. I like watching robins run along the ground. They seem almost as comfortable on the ground as they are in the air. You can't say that about many kinds of birds.

It seemed as soon as I started getting pictures of this robin it was all over. The bird ran too fast for me to continue. So this is what I have for you today. A few pictures in these short moments of a robin's life. Talk to you later.


  1. I enjoyed your robin photos! We do no get many of them here.

    1. I see them all the time, so I have to share them every once in a while.

  2. Hello! Beautiful photos!

  3. I like robins. I like how they sing in the day and for the approaching nightfall. We've had lots of rain here lately, so the robins have been having a field day eating all the worms!

    1. We've had lots of rain too. That must be why I've been seeing so many of these robins.

  4. Great post, beautiful bird:) Greetings

  5. he is so cute, standing there so elegantly, I am sorry about the bugs

    1. Robins are always some of my favorites. The bugs weren't quite as bad as I made them out to be.

  6. I wonder why it was running so much. It looks hot. Like it's holding its wings out a bit.

    1. It stayed still for quite awhile while I was taking the pictures. Robins like walking around a lot in that area for some reason.
