
Saturday, April 27, 2013

First Cardinal Of The Year

It only took a couple of days for winter to go away and the temperatures to reach into the 70s here, just like I commanded. I gotta tell you, after my command worked so well, my ego is bigger than a house. Is it going too far to now command up $1,000,000 for myself?

Anyway, I took this warm opportunity to go out and do some bird hunting, with my camera of course. It didn't take long for me to hear some very familiar sounds. The call of a cardinal is one of the few that I always remember.

I began searching the trees in the direction from where the sounds were coming, and, sure enough, there was the cardinal sitting about 2/3 of the way up the tree just singing his bright red heart out. i heard similar sounds coming from somewhere else a little farther off, but I didn't try searching for that one. I was happy with this closer bird.

Cardinals are some of my favorite kinds of bird because the males stand out so well, and they stay in one place for long enough to get a few pictures. What more could you ask for?

Just a little update on the Google+ photo storage. I've uploaded about a year's worth of pictures, which is a ton for me, and it hasn't counted against my storage limit at all. I've decided to store all of the pictures from my hard drive on there.

I've also decided to try to share bigger pictures here, but not too big, so that they download about as fast as before. That should work out well. I think everyone, especially me, will be happy that way.

On another note, my new blog Windows 8 App News is taking off much faster than I ever hoped it would. Readership seems to double each day. I'm really excited about it. I've never had another of my sites move anywhere close to this fast.

Back to the birds. I've been taking the opportunity that the warm weather gives me to be outside constantly, and it is paying off. Birds are everywhere this time of year. I've seen everything from very timy to huge flying around here. I love that!

I had a lot of pictures of this cardinal and I had to get it down to my few favorites. I think I did pretty well, even though I had one more than usual. I have plenty of other good ones, but most looked similar to the ones you see here.

I'll be be back soon with either some other good ones I already have or some new pictures, whichever seem right at the time. I don't want to post too often after posting so little just recently. I don't want to burn myself out or go too unexpectedly fast for you. But I feel like my writing floodgates have opened for the time being. Talk to you soon.


  1. I wish we had cardinals, but they don't seem to venture out this way. They would make for some awesome Bird TV! I am not surprised your new blog is doing so well - it's a VERY popular topic!

    1. I'm sure there are many other colorful birds that venture out that way. And any color of bird always makes a good episode of bird TV.

  2. I remember your cardinal birds, and you take many of them.

    They brighten your blog.

    1. They certainly are some of my favorites. maybe some other colors of birds will come around here too.

  3. Beautiful photos, Ratty, of this cardinal! His color is as deep as the ones I have here..Hope all is well!

    1. I was just recently missing the cardinals from there until this one showed up.

  4. Beautiful photos, Ratty, of this cardinal! His color is as deep as the ones I have here..Hope all is well!

  5. Can you do anything about the weather across the pond in Blighty?

    1. I can try, but I'm not sure if my command will travel that far.

  6. Love the cardinals! Glad to see your writing itch is back.

    1. My writing just turned back on one day. I didn't understand the reason until a few days later.

  7. you are so funny Ratty, if we could command like that, I would do so too :), I mean command to get $100000, hahah!! But so happy for you that you are enjoying your 70s weather now.

    1. You never know until you try. Most of us are afraid to try something like that or we feel foolish trying.

  8. beautiful photos, checkout my latest post at
    don't be shy to leave a comment and like us on facebook

    1. I left you a comment, but I don't do facebook.

  9. Such a magnificent creature and made all the more striking by that wonderfully blue spring sky.

    1. Yeah, I really love their red color. It just makes them stand out so well.
