
Saturday, March 9, 2013

War Eagle's Grave

It's been a few weeks since I've felt good enough to write a post, but here I am again. I was beginning to wonder if maybe the difficulty I've been having showed a lack of desire to do this, but I'm having the same difficulty with other things as well. And I have been missing my frequent posting so much more than I can tell you!

I've also been trying to do some programming work, which is how I make my money, and I've been hitting very similar roadblocks with that. I'm learning that I'm having a huge problem focusing my mind on anything specific. Some days, like today, I feel much better, and I can get a few things done. On days like these I feel so much more focused than I've been feeling. It's  a great feeling.

I've even been able to write a new article on Nature Center Magazine, called "Why Are Chimpanzee's Stronger Than Humans?". That was fun to do the research on. It's not a long article, but it took me a while to finish because of my head problems. I think it turned out pretty good though.

Let's change the subject to the monument you see in my pictures. I'm not going to tell you much about War Eagle, but if you follow this link you can learn a bit about him if you'd like. What I want to talk about is my trip up to the monument.

I just happened to have my dog Isabella with me on this outing, so she came up there with me to visit War Eagle's Grave. I took as many pictures as I could from as many positions as I could. I like these three the most. There was something strange that happened when we got up close to the monument though.

We went up there within the guard rails to see it all up close. It seemed as if nature picked just that time for the wind to pick up. When I decided to go around back to get a few pictures from there, Isabella began pulling on her leash and whimpering. She did not want to be back there at all. Something was terrifying her.

Isabella isn't a small dog, so not much frightens her, so it was hard not to notice her behavior. I don't know what her problem was with the back of the monument, but she was fine as soon as we walked back around to the front. I guess I'll never know, but it was enough for me to write about it.

The rest of the little trip was pretty uneventful. There are a lot of historical places like this one in this area, so I'll be visiting them a lot as time goes on. I'll try to talk more about their histories as well, without going into them to the point of getting boring. I'll probably revisit this one as well so I can give you some more information about it. And I'll give you an update on Isabella too.

I still hope to begin to write posts more often again very soon. Right now I feel like I can do it, but I really don't know what tomorrow will bring. Maybe visiting a few of your blogs will get my wandering mind into the spirit of things and I can remain this focused.

I'm going to try to go back to practicing my camera skills. I'm thinking of focusing on taking a lot of macro shots. It's something I've never been satisfied with for myself. Things can become very interesting when you get a good close-up look at them.

Okay, that's enough for this time. I hope to have another post up here very soon. See you then!


  1. Nice to see you back Ratty though I have to say i had a long period of silence myself too. Not for any reasons than I just didn't get around to it but whilst catching up yesterday I too realised how much I miss my writing and keeping in touch with others on their blogs. I'm glad you took Isabella's advice at the monument. I always find that dogs have an uncanny knack of knowing when you should or shouldn't go somewhere and always pay attention to them!!

    1. Yeah, I really thought I should listen to Isabella if she was that frightened.

  2. Wow, that is creepy! I wonder what was upsetting Isabella. I can guarantee you, if I had been there, I would have sensed it too.

    P.S. I am glad to see you back! I hope you are able to post more often!

    1. I wish I knew what was upsetting her, but I didn't stick around to find out. Animals are usually smarter than humans with that sort of thing.

  3. That is interesting about Isabella. Wonder what scared her so much--perhaps a scent of something that was there before? Would love to read more posts about your dog. Glad you are have some good days at least and hope they come more often!

    1. Isabella will be popping up frequently in my posts because I don't go to many of these places without her now. I always missed having a dog to take along with me.

  4. Replies
    1. I'm glad you like it. I hope to be able to write a little more frequently again. I used to write every day, sometimes more than once a day.

  5. Just was thinking about you yesterday.Nice to hear from U

    1. I'm hoping to be able to post more frequently again. I've been feeling pretty good for the past few days now.

  6. So glad to hear from an "old" friend after a long break.

    We are "old" friends. Aren't we.

    1. We are definitely "old" friends. I've known you longer than just about anybody here in the blogging world.

  7. So good to see a new post from you my friend. Nice pix . . . I particularly like those blue skies. Here in Michigan the sky is mostly gray.

    1. The skies only stayed blue long enough for me to visit this place. It's been all gray and clouded since then.

  8. Glad to see you are able to write another post Ratty, hope things continue to get better for you.

    1. These last few days have been the best I've felt in quite some time. I hope it continues. Now maybe I can go out and get some more pictures to post.

  9. Hey, Ratty---good to see you back! I hope you start to feel better again soon. That must be very frustrating. :(

    Poor Isabella--I wonder what was up? I'm glad you used good sense in getting out of there--she may have sensed some danger to you both. It's good to trust your dog, especially when you are sorta feeling funky, you know? It's good you have her.

    I hope you get strong again and can write more. I miss ya!

    1. I got out of there as quickly as I could. Dogs usually know the way things are. She was perfectly happy everywhere except that one area.

  10. I'm always glad to read your posts. Continue to take care of yourself. Eventually you will regain your equilibrium! :-)


    1. I'm hoping I'll eventually get back to normal with a bit of practice. These past few days have been pretty good for me.

  11. Nice pictures, beautiful story. Regards

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  13. Ratty, what a nice surprise to find you here!!! I've been home four months now from my second India trip...will go back June 1. I had total shoulder replacement surgery Jan 18th and am recovering well & am awaiting the birth of my first grandchild - due date April 21. At 68, I suppose I should stay put but India is so inexpensive for this retired nurse's budget & I love the culture and history. Who knows how long I'll be able to travel before all my arthritic joints wear out and I'll really be grounded.

    Really enjoyed this post. It's good to see you out and about with Isabella. Wonder what the heck made her so anxious at the monument. You never know, she might have saved your life!
