
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Spotted Cucumber Beetle

I meant to have this post up a week ago. It seems like there's so much to do around here, but also nothing to do at times. As you can see by the title of the post, my mystery bug is a spotted cucumber beetle.

This bug turns out to be a very destructive little creep. As you may have guessed, it likes to eat things like cucumbers. It also likes watermelon, soybeans, and many other similar plants. They can destroy crops pretty quickly.

It's really a shame because these beetles sure are colorful little guys. That's how I noticed it in the first place. I saw that yellow color in one of my pictures. I immediately ran back outside hoping the little yellow bug was still there. The rest is here in my pictures.

I recently discovered that I'm afraid of heights, or at least afraid of being high up on a ladder. My dog Isabella has a dog run that consists of a cable that runs high up from one tree to another. Her chain comes down from that cable. That way she can move around in a much larger area.

The other day she got her chain stuck on the cable right at one of the two trees. I had to climb up the ladder to unhook it so it would work right again. It all started off just fine. I never anticipated that I would be afraid. But when I got about two steps from my destination I completely froze.

I had no idea I would be afraid, but I ended up having to go back down the ladder to gather myself. The second time up the ladder was a bit slower and shakier, but I finally made it up all the way and unhooked the chain with quite a bit of fear. Being up so high on that narrow ladder was not a fun experience. I'm happy to say that I got the job done though.

My quest of learning about plants was something else that was paused this past week. It's just that I got so busy that I kept putting it off. I need to hurry up and examine a few of the plants around here before they all go away for the winter.

I did get to work on my photography a little bit though. That really consisted of me playing around in the house with taking pictures of Isabella. I didn't get anything very good. I was just getting some practice with the manual focus on the camera. It might help me get clearer pictures. That's a good place to start.

I hope to have a few posts up a little sooner next time and I'm trying to get caught up with reading a few blogs too. Hopefully I won't get busy with other stuff this time. How can all that other outside junk keep getting in the way of my blogging fun? I hate when that happens!


  1. Interesting--never saw a beetle like that before!

  2. Yes, the junks outside require our attention as much as the junks inside :-) No way around it!

    I saw the same type of beetle you have here on one of the weed here too, and thought it was a ladybug..Thanks for the information! It sure is pretty and colorful!

    1. That bug really does look very similar to a ladybug. I thought so too.

  3. They are beautiful beetles. Often times that's the case with can be misleading, even dangerous! ;-) Like all those thorns around the lovely thistle flowers.

    Interesting about you getting nervous on the ladder. I suddenly became fearful of heights - for no good reason. No amount of reconditioning has helped either. Like you I'm very deliberate when I climb anything now.

    Finally, I found that "sometimes" when photographing flowers, if I set the flash to "fill in," I get some good detail without washout in the rest of the picture. It's hard because usually a gust blows up just as I push the button!!!

    Great post, Ratty!


    1. I remember seeing on a TV show once that brightly colored creatures are usually the more dangerous or toxic ones.

      I don't quite understand my new found fear of heights. It came out of nowhere.

      I'll have to try the tip with the flash. I've always been in too much of a hurry to really concentrate on my technique until now.

  4. Those are nice closeups, just take lots with that wind. Sometimes i have shot a half dozen then give up out of frustration.

    1. My usual way is to take lots of pictures and hope one turns out good. If I can combine that with a better technique I think I can become much better.

  5. You have found a true you.

    Not that shameful, because me too afraid of height.

    1. I wish I would have known about my fear of heights before I climbed so fast up that ladder. :)

  6. Fantastic pictures, even if the bug is a little garden jerk.

    1. The bug is a little jerk, but he's a nice looking one. :)

  7. He's a cute little rascal. Okay, a pest, but still cute.

    No problem here with heights. The problem is with stability. The harder I try to control my muscles, the more they get out of control.

    1. My muscles certainly went out of control on top of that ladder. I almost shook myself off of it.

  8. I wonder how that bug tastes - I bet no one would complain if kitties ate them.

    1. I think most people would be happy if kitties ate them.

  9. Wonderful photographs, I am pleased that I can admire such views. I am greeting

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you think they are wonderful.

  10. those are beautiful shots, wishing you well in your photography, and yes, sometimes, it is the "nothing to do" that stops us from doing the "many things to do" :) so conflicting our minds are sometimes.

    1. Yes, it seems like the little nothing things all add up into a great big something.
