
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hoping For Cooler Days

I leave quite a bit of my property wild to encourage critters from all around to come over and say hi. I've seen quite a few birds attracted to these plants above.  I frequently see goldfinches flying away whenever I get close to these.

I thought I was going to go out today and get a lot of pictures, but we're having another heatwave here. It doesn't feel as hot to me as similar temperatures did back in Michigan, but the heat still get's to me pretty quickly. So I'm mostly staying inside for a few more days. It will cool down pretty quickly after tomorrow.

So I thought I would write a rambling post about this and a few other things. Maybe I'll go out later tonight and take some night pictures. I've never done that in the summertime. We'll see what happens. I often see rabbits and other animals out late at night.

I don't really do much advertising on any of my blogs because this is really all just for my own enjoyment. But I thought last week that I would try out adsense for Nature Center Magazine just to make enough money to breaqk even on the domain name.Unbelievably, they rejected the site because they say there is not enough text content. The site is almost all text!

So I decided maybe it was a mistake. The only problem is there is no way I can find to contact them for clarification. I decided maybe I'd try again on this site or Rat Tales, but then I found out I'm now being completely blocked. I guess that means the adsense people are telling me where to go. I hope they get there faster.

I'll try out some other sources of advertising when I get the time. I've never really done any unless somebody came to me with it. I've been interested to know how much I might make since Nature Center Magazine gets quite a bit of traffic now. Whatever.

I took this last picture because I liked the way the trees opened up. This was right above my house. The house is surrounded by three huge trees that give plenty of shade to keep most of the hottest days cool inside. I'm glad of that. And I'm even more glad for air conditioning.

How do any of you handle the heat? Do you stay inside, or do you like it enough to go out and have fun with it all day? I stick to the indoors on the hottest days because I get sick too easily. Hopefully the weather reports are right and it will cool off soon.


  1. Hi Ratty, yes you'll see Gold finches on those plants- thistles- as that is what they LOVE to eat, the seeds. Thistle seeds are often called niger seeds. I was once told if I wanted to see goldfinches in my garden (as they are my favourite uk bird based on looks) then I should get a niger seed feeder and fill it with the seeds (little tiny black seeds). Sure enough, within just hours of putting the seed out, the feeder was packed with them. They are beutiful here. Oh and regarding theheat- we are not lucky enough to get sweltering heat over here. Our summer has been a total washout this year, seriously, so I'm a bit jealous of you guys over there!!!

    1. I keep watching for the goldfinches because they arew some of my favorite birds, but so far they've been flying away before I get close enough to get any pictures.

  2. When it's real hot, I generally prefer staying inside too. I do enjoy the warmer weather though over the cold so don't complain often. We've had pleasant temperatures lately though. Hope the heat breaks soon for you. That's goofy about Adsense--I was thinking I might try it, but not now. Forget it. I don't need anymore hassles! It's good to have you back-thanks for visiting us!

    1. It's supposed to cool off a little bit by tomorrow here. Then I'll be racing out the door with my camera.

      It still might not hurt to try out adsense, as long as you don't let your hopes get too high. That's really the way I did it. I expected nothing from the start.

  3. thistle is what those birds love!! I so miss my birds...the squirrels won though and we gave up. I had an adsense acct and was very happy with the $..then they informed me someone was unlawfully clicking on the ads and closed the acct...oh well, guess it wasn't meant to be.

    1. Squirrels can be fun to watch too. They're some comical little characters.

      Stories like yours are why I hesitated so long to try out adsense.

  4. Ratty- Adsense can be pretty arbitrary. I was lucky enough to get accepted quite a while ago, but even with my heavily visited get off the couch website, I make very little money. Stay cool and calm, buddy.

    1. I wasn't expecting much from adsense, but I thought their reasons were ridiculous. That was a little irritating. But after wondering about it for awhile, I can now tell myself I tried them out, and now I'll move on from them.

  5. We nature lovers are hard to deal with these advertising things, and earn far too little.

    Just go back to nature, stay there and enjoy.

    1. I usually don't do any advertising because I want more money than they want to pay. I'll wait for the big money. Maybe one day it will come.

  6. i can imagine how beautiful fall would be in your those thistle blossoms too. sorry about adsense, they can be very vague, i too was blocked last time and the reason they gave was i am associated with a blocked account. actually, one of my friends in TSS installed google adsense in our TSS blog ( maintained with a group of friends for the purpose of sending more kids to school), her account was blocked for reasons we did not know. but google adsense program says we could use another account to set up adsense in that site. so i volunteered. a week after i used my adsense in our group's blog, they sent me notice that my account has been discontinued and blocked due to association with a blocked account. And to think they keep on telling in that site that an adsense can be set up again if using another account. I did not trust their words anymore, and moved on from there.

    1. Google advertises adsense enough on the blogs that you'd think they'd welcome all of us. I guess they're too big to care much about us bloggers.

  7. I have stayed inside most of this summer not because of the heat but because of the increase in the skitter population.

    Huh...didn't know that adsense was that difficult to deal with. Sorry for the trouble. Wish I had a solution.

    BTW...nice greenery pics!

    1. We got lucky around here with the mosquitoes. I've seen very little of them.

  8. That is weird that Adsense rejected Nature Center Magazine and blocked you - I see nothing about any of your blogs that should trigger that. I do want to say that Adsense is probably not the best revenue source for your blogs - the kind of ads you would draw aren't high-paying. If you had a fitness blog, beauty blog, or another type of blog optimized for the kind of advertising that pays well, it might be a different story. I know these things because I've been online since January 2003, when I was six months old.

    BTW, I don't know HOW I missed your grasshopper post - he certainly looked tasty!

    1. I didn't think adsense would bring in much, but they advertise so much here on Blogger that I thought I would finally give them a try. Now I know what would happen. I've actually made quite a bit on some other forms of advertising on this site.

  9. When it's really hot I tend to go out early morning and late evening. Not only are these the coolest parts of the day but it's also much healthier for you so you are definitely doing the right thing staying in Ratty.

    1. I should be able to get out a bit more now. I think the weather has finally cooled of for good.

  10. I stay inside when it's over 90, and today it was in the 100..but I had to go out anyway taking my mom to the doctor.

    It's strange that they rejected your blogs for adsense, but in reality..It's not worth it, and it took me a complete year to get paid..There is so many other sources to make money, but you might not like them either, since the pay starts out very low!

    1. I'll just keep doing what I've always done and wait for something better than adsense to come along. I've actually had a few good ones for this site.

  11. I hate the heat. And I've hated this summer because we spent the entire summer in the house.....just like winter. Ugh.

    No worries about the Adsense. I'd say they are losing out and it is their loss.

    1. I got out more in the winter than I did this summer.

      I completely agree about adsense.
