
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Spirit Mound

I recently took a little trip to a place in South Dakota called Spirit Mound. It's just across the state border from my house so I thought it might be interesting to take a look. I remember reading that it was one of the places that Lewis and Clark visited. There are a lot of those around here.

You can see these pictures much better if you click on them. Everything was in a shadow for some reason. I had to fix the pictures up a bit in a photo editor to get them this good. They starte4d out okay, but the foreground was always in a shadow.

The first thing I noticed after looking at the pictures was that this red-winged blackbird kept popping up in all of my shots. He seemed to like being in the pictures so I decided to feature him this time.

I later found out why this place is called Spirit Mound. The local Native American tribes have a legend that there are demons that live here and they will kill anyone who comes near. Lewis and Clark found out that none of them would go anywhere near Spirit Mound. So they decided to visit the place to see what the big deal was.

And here, finally, is a picture of Spirit Mound, with that watchful blackbird flying across the picture. He almost seemed to be guarding the place. I never went closer to the mound than this. I just didn't feel like the walk up the hill for some reason. This was the best view anyway.

I didn't know the legend of Spirit Mound until a few days after I visited the place. After hearing the legend of Spirit Mound, would you visit the place? Would you take the hike to the top of the mound?

I left directions in the post footer for anyone who would like to know where to find this place.


  1. I might drop down dead if I tried to climb it, but I don't think it would be spirits responsible!

  2. i love the composition in the third photo, the bird in flight added more beauty and element into the picture, i don't know if i would climb, maybe if it is not restricted.

  3. My human is very superstitious when it comes to anything Native Americans say, so she probably would not climb it!

  4. Spirit Mound sounds intriguing! I won't be able to climb that, and part of me would worry about a sacred place..

    The last photo is awesome!

  5. Well that sounds like quite the intriguing place. I would probably not be able to shake the thought of spirits out to kill me if I visited

  6. Interesting. These conical mounds are found all over the Dakotas and they have various "creation" stories. The geologists have a different take on them, of course.

  7. Your story makes it so adventurous to climb the hill.

  8. That is a really beautiful looking place Ratty. I am very interested in Native American culture and legends. I would definitely have to get closer to the mound and perhaps climb it.

  9. I have climbed to the top, really not that bad, even I, a overweight late 50's woman made it to the top and the view is beautiful. My husband and grandchildren are going today. One of the few spots they know without doubt and Lewis and Clark actually stood at.
