
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So Far Away

I want to show you something fun before I take you down the side of this huge hill. Standing on top of Stone Park we can see a town off in the distance. That town is a few miles from where we are. You can see it in the top picture. It's on the right side and middle from the top.

The trail in the foreground is where we'll be going next, but first we want to focus on that town. You may have to click the picture to really see it because it's so far away. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Now we'll take a closer view of part of the town. So what's so fun about this? The fun part is that my camera is able to zoom in so far that we get to see this closeup from the top of the hill I was standing on.

Nothing to try to be impressive, but I thought it was just kind of fun to be able to do this. I've never taken any pictures from a place like this before where I could do this.

Here's another view of the town. I pulled the view back just a bit so we could see a little bit more. I guess this is just the edge of town. I think that's a motel right below the white water tower. You'll have to examine the pictures yourself to make out any of the other buildings. Let's move on.

Did you check out our Cool Nature Sites sidebar over at Nature Center Magazine? We'll have some excellent websites moving through there all the time. But when a site is gone, it's gone. So you might want to check it out whenever you can.

In my next post I'll show you what I saw when I walked down the trail from the top of the hills. I went all the way to the bottom. I found something I really liked down there. I'll be here waiting next time!

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. That must be a great camera you have Ratty to be able to zoom in so much and still get great shots!!

    Looking forward to seeing what you found on your way down the trail.

    1. It is a pretty good camera. The fun part was just being able to have a place to use the feature at all.

  2. It's a great feeling to find out what our camera can actually do, isn't it? Yours must be a fantastic one, Ratty!

    1. I already knew the camera could do this stuff, but I was just so happy to be able to actually get to do it for the first time.

  3. You are re-educating me about Iowa. I didn't realize it had hills.

    1. Near Sioux City where I am is almost all hills, and big ones.

  4. the first pic showed really the distance, it's indeed fun to see what we can see farther with our camera. glad you had fun.

    1. It was fun to stretch out the camera, and the hike down the hill was good too.

  5. That is a really great view from the top of the hill. I'm looking forward to seeing what you found down below Ratty.

    1. I'll bring the bottom of the hill very soon. It was a good hike.
