
Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Left Foot

I had so much to do so I got up early. I knew if I got up with the birds I'd be able to get some good pictures. Part of my problem lately has been that I've only been going out when nothing much is going on. My solution has been to start the day earlier. And that's just what I did!

After getting some good bird pictures, which I'll share in a few future posts, it was time for me to go find an ATM machine. The nearest one is in the closest town north of me. I needed money to pay my utility bill. I pay that in our small town hall building here in town. It's easiest just to pay it right there in cash every month. All I ave to do is walk a couple of blocks up the street, but that's after I drive to the next town to get the cash.

As soon as I got back home from all of that my neighbor called me to ask if I wanted to go with him down the highway to cut up a fallen tree for firewood. Firewood burns fast, and we're both almost out now, so off we went!

the plan was that he would cut up the tree with the chainsaw while I piled the wood into the back of the truck. Getting a truckload of firewood isn't usually hard work, but there are still too many times that I feel severe effects from my car accident. This day turned out to be one of those that I should not have worked very hard.

As soon as I began carrying the wood to the truck I began sweating and getting dizzy. My head began to throb just a bit. That's usual stuff on some days. Most times like this I just go back inside to wait for a better day, but this time we had to finish because we were away from home. I mentioned the problem, but I said I could continue. The solution I had was just to make sure I took plenty of breaks between short trips.

On one of my last trips back to the truck the dizziness got me. I was almost on the ground before I even knew I was falling. My face plowed right into the ground. I only was able to get one arm out to block my fall, but it wasn't in time. My arm hurt after I hit the ground, and I was hoping I didn't break it. I'm happy to tell you that my arm is fine. But unfortunately I didn't escape injury.

I began to notice that my foot was hurting a little bit. By the time we got back home my foot was throbbing with pain. I thought maybe it was just a cramp in my toes or something. After discussing our plans for the firewood a bit we went our separate ways. I went back into my house and immediately took off my boots to ease the pain.

I thought the foot cramp would ease up, but it only got worse. That's when I noticed that my foot at the base of my toes was turning black. Yup, I broke my foot. Once the swelling went down a little it doesn't hurt much anymore unless I try to put my weight on it. So I'm going to have to stay off my feet for a short time.

It's funny that there isn't a lot of pain, but the injury sure is making me tired. that's why I didn't have a new post yesterday. I was just too tired to do much of anything. Now I'm bored, but still a little tired. The good thing is that I have a few good pictures to share from right before I broke my foot.

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  1. Sounds like you will have to have some wood delivered.Hope the foot repairs.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      I'll just have to slow down with burning wood for awhile. Loading the stove is just as much work as collecting the firewood. I have a backup heating plan coming tomorrow.

  2. Oh Dear ! Looks like winter will be spent inside for a bit. Just little jaunts outside. Well looks like blogging it is for the next few days. Hope it all works well for you. Take care of that foot.

    1. @thepowmill
      I was able to get outside for a little bit yesterday to take a few pictures of the animals outside my house. I'm hoping I can sometimes do that without making my foot any worse.

  3. oh no. Maybe you can teach Isabella how to do a few household chores to help you out while the foot is healing

    1. @Ann
      I wish Isabella could do some things like that. One thing she is doing is taking it a bit easy with the rough stuff. She likes to play a lot, but she has been going easy on me since I've been limping around the house.

  4. You have gone through one of the real life adventures.


    1. @Rainfield
      Yes, sometimes an injury is a real life adventure. I'm glad this one is only a little adventure that doesn't hurt very much.

  5. I am sorry about your foot, hope you feel better soon. But you were still able to take so many beautiful pictures, hope they relaxes you.

    1. @betchai
      I have even more pictures to come. A broken foot can slow me down, but it can't stop me.

  6. I'm sorry about your injury! Hope it heals quickly!

    1. @montucky
      thanks. I hope it does too. It's already feeling a little bit better.

  7. Ouch! I'm sorry about your foot. I hope it heals soon. With you humans, sometimes your body has to scream STOP before you will listen. At least you can get some blogging done.

    1. @Sparkle
      I've been pushing myself a little too hard since I got to Iowa. I was hoping I could work past my older injuries, but I guess I can't quite yet.

  8. Oh my gosh, that's the last thing you needed. I hope it heals fast too.

    1. @Country Mouse Studio
      It seems to be going pretty fast. It hurts less every day.

  9. Sorry to hear that, Ratty! I hope you are better now and the neighbor shared those fire wood with you.

    1. @Icy BC
      I'm getting better, but I'll have to take it easy. Half the firewood belongs to me and we're both pretty good about sharing our firewood. I'm hoping I won't need most of it now though.

  10. Youch! Cast? soft cast? Just being careful? It must be really frustrating to keep having to back up before you can go forward again on this return to health.

    1. @Sharkbytes
      I'm just being careful. The break wasn't very bad. It's just bad enough to hurt a little when I put any weight on it and keep me from putting my shoes on very much. It was just a sore reminder that I can't do some of the things I used to do. I've been told I may never fully recover from the accident injuries.

  11. Hope your foot get's better soon Ratty. Just remember to take it nice and easy and not to try to rush your recovery. xx

    1. @allotments4you
      My foot is getting better every day, even though I haven't been taking care of it quite as well as I should.

  12. Oh thats really bad you got yourself hurt. I just hope you recover from it soon and you would be back to your usual adventurous life.

    1. @Elvirah
      I'm already feeling quite a bit better. Sometimes I don't even remember that I'm injured now.
