
Friday, January 20, 2012

What She Saw

Isabella pointed something out to me the other day. Most of the time when I go out to fill the wood stove Isabella is right there with me. She loves being outside except on the coldest days. On those days she only likes going out if there is a guaranteed walk with the leash in the deal. So what was it that she told me?

I didn't know that yet! I was too busy with the firewood. When I turned around I saw that she was intently staring at something. I kept looking at her to see what she was so fascinated with. Luckily I remembered to run in and get my camera to capture whatever was going on.

So when I came back out I saw that she was staring up into the trees. This obviously wasn't one of the feral cats that live in the area. Usually when one of those comes around Isabella goes crazy trying to get at them while they calmly walk by. They're smart enough to know she is on a chain.

So I looked up into the high parts of the trees to see what she was looking at. Can I draw out a story, or what? As I searched through the branches I finally saw what it was that she was staring at. It was a little brown fluff of fur on one of the high branches. That could only mean one thing. Squirrel!

The squirrel also had its back turned toward me for some reason. For awhile I thought it was asleep or something, but then I noticed that it was moving a little bit.  It was gnawing on the branch it was on, exactly what Isabella wanted to do to the squirrel.

Isabella had pointed out another animal for me. I immediately knew this was the same squirrel that lives in the closest tree right out there behind my house. Today when I went out the squirrel was in another tree chattering away at me as if it was mad. It finally climbed through the branches over to its home and stared at me for a few minutes before going inside.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. That's wonderful of Isabella! She knows you're looking for a story, and pointed out. We have so many squirrels around here that Isabella will have fun chasing, and still be safe in the yard.

    1. @Icy BC
      Isabella certainly has been able to help with the stories. I'm glad she's here.

  2. It's nice of Isabella to help point out great photo ops for your blog. You, two, really seem to have bonded nicely, Ratty.

    1. @RNSANE
      Isabella has been really good about helping me with the pictures when she can. We're slowly but surely learning each other's ways.

  3. I love your photo's and your Isabella. It is true dogs are such great friends. Blessings, Catherine

    1. @Catherine
      Thanks. It is very true that dogs are our best friends.

  4. We can count on you to find the squirrel! Isabella seems like a really good companion.

    1. @Sharkbytes
      I've been hoping to see more animals than just squirrels, but the squirrels are good enough for now. The birds that come around are too fast for me so far. I've seen other animals, but only when it's too dark to get pictures.

  5. Well Isabella did a great job of pointing out that squirrel. I think the two of you make a great team

  6. SQUIRREL!!! Who can resist them?? ;)

    It's nice that you found a dog that loves the outdoors and squirrels as much as you do, Ratty.

    1. @Lin
      I think Isabella loves squirrels a lot, but only for lunch.

  7. It was a beautiful day and your pictures are so nice and clear!! Very cold here. I'm glad you have Isabella. She must be a lot of good company for you. And she will let you know if there's anything lurking around outside.. Take care.

    1. @Ginnymo
      Isabella is always on guard for any other creatures out there. She warns me every time.

  8. Glad for you that you have a wonderful companion in isabella who can look out for photo opportunities of wild creatures for you.

    1. @betchai
      Isabella does her best to do her part. I'm glad to have her.

  9. I should have guessed it was a squirrel. Isabella knows her rodents and makes sure you see them too Ratty. That is a great shot. I also like those bare branches against that blue sky.

    It sounds like you have several cats in the area Ratty. Is there a program in your area that will catch them, spay/neuter, and return them? That way there won't be a lot of kittens come spring.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      Isabella sees everything that moves, and some things that don't.

      I don't think we have anything like that around here. Many people in town would love to have this cat problem taken care of for the humans and the cats.

  10. I think that squirrel believes that you and Isabella are trespassing on HER property!

    BTW, TNR - Trap, Neuter and Return - is the surest and most humane way to reduce a feral cat population. You definitely don't want them running around breeding. Alley Cat Allies has a lot of educational material about this:

    1. @Sparkle
      The squirrel was here first too.

      I'll check into the Alley Cat Allies thing. It's possible something like that has already been done here; I haven't seen any particularly young cats.

    2. Ratty, check with the local shelters, they might be able to put you in touch with a local organization that does TNR. That is the program we use here in Walla Walla. We have reduced the local feral cat population but still have a lot of work to do. If the ferals go unchecked you will be surrounded by cats come spring.

    3. @SquirrelQueen
      I'll try to check, but any local shelter would be actually very far from here. Our town is very small and even the school is located in another small town. I've heard that feral cats have become a huge problem in Iowa so I'm guessing that it would be a long time before they get to us. In the meantime I think most people around here try to help these cats as much as they can, and the cats seem to be healthy and happy.

  11. Never met a dog who doesn't want to chase one

    1. @Out on the prairie
      I'm just glad she hasn't caught any.

  12. The squirrel has beautiful colours...and I bet your glad that Isabella was with you as you may never have spotted him. Isabella should always be with you and your camera to hunt out those tasty morsels!!

    1. @allotments4you
      Isabella does make a good companion. I have always liked having a dog. I never want her to find out that those squirrels are tasty though. She already imagines enough.

  13. Hello! I agree with thes comments...Beautiful dog...

  14. We have a new dog and she sure likes to walk on the leash. She hasn't spotted anything in our oak trees but I am sure she will. She is a hound dog and her nose is usually at the ground.

    1. @papel1
      Hound dogs are my all time favorite kind of dog.

  15. When i first looked at the picture without reading your post, i thought it was a squirrel. Probably a huge one of its kind, but when you convincingly said it could be a cat, i was amazed at the squirrel faced cat. I must admire Isabella's promptness to catch all mysterious things to help you find some adventure in it.

    1. @Elvirah
      Isabella loves watching all other animals, and she does it as intensely as she can. I sometimes have to drag her away from them.
