
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

On The Way Home

Maybe these two pictures in today's post represent where I live now better than any I've shown you so far.  See those hills in the background of the picture above? They wrap around the town where I live. I took these pictures while driving home from the city the other day.

One thing I like about these hills is that they go all the way through the state of Iowa. They can be found even within the city south of me as well. Driving through Sioux City, you can see the hills above you as high as mountains in some places.

there is one hill that is named as a mountain, but I don't think it is considered to be a true mountain. There is a difference, but not because of size. I'll have to do some research to find out what that difference is. I think the difference is in how they were formed.

The hills on the right in the picture above border Stone Park that I showed you last week. These are nowhere near the highest places in the park. There are signs on the side of the road near here that warn of falling rocks. And there are more that warn of deer crossing. I've been wondering how deer get down the hill here.

While traveling along this road I also had to stop for several wild turkeys that were crossing. It was only the second time in my life that I've seen wild turkeys. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me that time, but I'm sure I'll get them at some point in the future.

It's been a busy few days for me. I cut down a few trees for firewood. I hated doing it, but that's how it's done. Plenty more trees will grow in their place. All of that was really too much work for me, and I ended up sick for a few days. Staying inside for a couple of days helped, but I'm tired. Being inside was why I had the time to redesign this blog. So I've really accomplished a lot, so I'm happy.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Your new blog design is growing on me..I like the colors, and brightness of the it.

    Beautiful view of your world, Ratty!

  2. I like the look of where you live. It's a million miles from my home town :)

  3. You have been wondering how deer get down the hill.

    I have seen goats going up a steep slope in Vietnam.

    They are good hikers.

  4. A montain is designated with stone to soil amounts I understand.There are a few around IA, many of these Loess Hills seem very close. I went to the south border yesterday.

  5. Looking at the pictures, it looks like you live at a place where there is scope for lot of adventures. The road looks calm with a nice view of mountain ahead.

  6. Well it looks just lovely there. Lots of open land. I like that

  7. It looks like you live in a very nice area. I'd rather have hills around me than live on flat land. I like your new blog background. looks real nice!! You be careful chopping down trees. You really should get a young guy to help you... Take care.

  8. Very interesting! I like seeing the geology of the place. I don't know much about Iowa

  9. @Icy BC
    I'm glad you like it. It was hard to change it after having the old one so long. I guess it needed a change since I've had a change to a new place too.

    This place sometimes seems a million miles from my hometown too. The good thing is that this new place also feels like home.

    I was thinking of goats too while I was wondering about the deer. I'd love to be able to see them like you have though.

    @Out on the prairie
    Thanks for that info. I knew someone like you would know it. Now I remember reading the same thing before, but I've lost a lot of that information when I bumped my head.

    Yes, there are many adventures waiting for me ahead and they are all new. It's going to be an exciting year for me.

    There is a lot of open space here. Everything is farther away than it was before, but there's nothing in the way in between.

    I love the hills. They give me a sense of comfort. Too much flat land makes me feel alone. Thanks for the vote of confidence in the new blog look. Actually I do have help with the trees, but unfortunately I'm the young guy of us two.

    I still don't know much about Iowa yet either. These hills have always felt like home to me though. I always instinctively knew this is where I was from. I'll be sharing a lot about this place as I learn about it.

  10. it's beautiful, we have lots of hills here too named mountains but often am told they are not true mountains, but have not done a research yet what is the difference :) would be great if you can find out, i really love your first shot, so peaceful. the hills/mountains always give a drama to the landscape.

  11. I am looking forward to seeing more of your new - now not-so-new - home!

  12. @betchai
    Out On The Prairie pointed out that the difference is in the amount of rock each has. Mountains have more. I'll have to write a post detailing that one of these times.

    Maybe some time I'll do a post about the town's feral cats. Whenever I see one of them I think of you. I worried about them a little bit, but I've been told that most of them have been wild for generations and that it is most likely better for them to leave them as they are.

  13. I'm loving the new design Ratty. I get what you mean about ot wanting to cut down the trees but it is just part of the great circle of life...we can all give to the land and receive from it.

  14. @allotments4you
    Cutting down the trees has been hard emotionally, but as you say, it is part of the great circle of life.
