
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Everynight Adventurer

These pictures are my first attempt to get some good pictures at night. I tried a few things like changing the camera settings to nighttime mode, but none of them have worked so far. The only thing that works is to use the flash. I guess there has to be at least some light.

I haven't heard any animal sounds out there tonight so far, so I haven't tried to record any video. I'll try that if I go back out and hear any snuffling out there in the darkness. The camera usually picks up sound pretty good, and it's always quiet out here otherwise.

This first picture shows one of my outer buildings on the property. It's really just a rundown shed that I haven't even tried to explore yet, but I'll probably investigate the inside next spring. I'm in no hurry because i have too many other things to do right now.

In the background of this picture is the ravine at the edge of the property. There's a creek at the bottom of the ravine. I don't like to get any closer to it in the dark because it's a long fall to the bottom, and I don't know if I could climb out of it even in the daytime.

My dad used to use a water pump to get water from the creek to water his garden that he had nearby. I don't know if the pump is still around, but I'll do the same if I can find it. He did it that way because the garden is too far from the house to get water from there. It can be done, but you need a very long hose.

If it was daylight in this last one, you'd be able to see the large pile of firewood I've been gathering back here. This is far from the house as well, but the wood is still green, so we leave it back here out of the way to dry out until next year. I've been using some of the green wood though because my stove burns it very well.

This is the area where I hear most of the smaller animal sounds. I don't go back there while it's dark because I can't see very well there and I don't want to get too close to those animals in that darkness. They can see much better than I can, and I don't want to make them angry. Isabella doesn't like it back here while it's dark.

I'll go back out to try again with the camera, but maybe not for another few posts or so. Nighttime is good, but I like the light of day jjust a little bit better. Talk to ya next time!

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Ratty, how can you not investigate that shed!

  2. Oh, it is dark out there! I've been out trying to shoot the moon here, but my little camera can't handle the darkness either.

  3. There so many nocturnal creatures. It's a whole different world of sound and sight. Owls, opossums, flying squirrels, all animals of the night explore the landscape. This is a great topic to expand upon.

  4. Light is definitely a key ingredient when taking pictures.
    It sounds like you still have so much exploring to do around there. I see many good posts coming out of it in the future

  5. It was full moon, but i didn't look to see if it stayed clear.Hope you get a chance to see some of those critters.I have thought of your wood gathering when I see piles cut by parks people.

  6. Nighttime is mysterious.

    It is as deep as a sea.

    It is there waiting for you to explore further.

  7. @Don't unplug your hub
    I'll definitely investigate the shed, but there are also many other things to investigate around here that are easier to get to.

    @Icy BC
    If you have a manual setting on your camera you can get good pictures of the Moon. It can't be done with anything automatic. One of these times I'll give directions how to do it.

    I really hope I can somehow get a picture or two of one of those nocturnal creatures. I keep missing my opportunities so far though.

    I hope you're right about the many good posts. I thought I had reached the limit a few days ago, but I have at least one very exciting new post coming.

    @Out on the prairie
    It did stay pretty clear, and yes, I have seen a few critters, but only when I forgot my camera. I wish those park people would bring some of that wood to me. :)

    Nighttime has recently become even more mysterious than I ever thought. Stay tuned!

  8. That shed looks creepy - I think you should check it out for inspiration for your short stories!

    1. @Sparkle
      I'll check out the shed one of these days. I think it was only used as a dog house. My dad would put the bigger dogs out there whenever he was out there working.

  9. Dark adventures sound so exciting but they are as well very risky and dangerous. But the night has lot of fascinating mystries hidden in it.

    1. @Elvirah
      Darkness makes these adventures risky only because it's hard for us to see. As long as we are careful there's nothing out there to fear.

  10. Well, you're probably safer out here at night than on the streets of Oakland or San Francisco...though I would get the creeps in the dark, with no one around.

    1. @RNSANE
      I agree. I feel safer out here in the dark than I did in Detroit. There were the sounds of gunshots there, but only the sounds of animals here.
