
Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Squirrel's Destination

Yesterday I promised you that I'd come back today to show you the home of my little squirrel friend. Of course I'll get to that, but we'll have to go through the details along the  way. I'm sure you'll all want to know how the squirrel made it from that small outer branch all the way to his home in the tree.

While I was down there on the ground watching the squirrel gnaw on some of the branches as he slowly made his way back home, the squirrel was keeping his eye on me and Isabella along the way. We happened to be a lot closer to his home than he was at the time, so he was a little concerned.

He was trying to move slowly, checking out every little thing along the way, but then he finally decided that he had to make a break for it. All of a sudden the squirrel turned from his spot and ran across the branch that he was on! That was really off-putting because he was now moving toward us.

He was able to run right through groups of smaller branches with ease on his quest for the safety of home. He then leaped from one smaller branch to the trunk of the tree. Around to the back of the tree he went, where he thought we wouldn't be able to see him. He was right.

The thing I did see was the area of the tree where he disappeared. I knew right where to look for his place of disappearance. So I walked over to the other side of the tree with a pretty good idea of what I might see. There was no squirrel there, and there was only one place he could have gone.

And here is the home of this little squirrel. I know what you're thinking, so go ahead and laugh. I know what this crack in the tree might resemble, but the friendly little squirrel calls it home. I'd bet that it's warm and cozy inside and meets the squirrel's needs very well.

A crack in a tree might be just fine for a little squirrel who is in a hurry, but we humans need something much better than that when we're traveling. The one thing we all agree on is that it has to be inexpensive, so you might just want to click on the link to find cheap hotels. I'm sure you'll find that quite a bit more appropriate than something so squirrely as a hole in a tree.

The squirrel's tree house must be pretty deep because I couldn't see the little guy at all when I looked up there. Of course I didn't get too close because I didn't want that little brown thug popping out right at me. Besides, it was kind of cold out there, so I decided to go back to my own home. And that's exactly what I did.


  1. That crack in the tree will serve as a nice warm home for the squirrel this winter. Safe and snug!

  2. What, a tiny little squirrel keeps you away.Looks like a good home .

  3. Just playing catch up again Ratty so I won't comment on every post but wanted to let you know I have been round. So nice to see the squirrels back.

  4. @Icy BC
    Yeah, it looks like this squirrel has found himself a very good home.

    @Out On The Prairie
    I'll get pretty close to a squirrel, but I'll never stick my head so close to its home. Besides, it was too high up in the tree for me to reach. :)

    Thanks for visiting. I'll also be sure to check out your blog because I noticed you've got a new post and I'm sure you've got something good to read posted.

  5. That's a perfect spot for him! I'd much rather see them inside a tree than in those nests they build, which don't hold up too well at times.

  6. @Ginnymo
    I was thinking the same thing. Those little nests are good for the summer, but I can't see them being very adequate in the cold winter.

  7. This is a bungalow of the little squirrel.

    Unique and natural.

  8. @Rainfield
    Yeah, this is their natural way to live. Wouldn't it seem strange if humans decided to live in cracks of trees? I hope you had a happy birthday.

  9. It looks like that squirrel has found the perfect home. He's certainly got an impressive front door.

  10. Wow...looks like a nice cozy home for our little squirrel. Never knew that its home would look like this, a vertical thin crack where no stranger like us would fit in.

  11. That's a pretty smart squirrel home! Keeps other critters out!

  12. Interesting. I thought it was going to be a leaf nest. But I think they always prefer a hole if they can find one. Has to be warmer.

  13. @Ann
    He sure has plenty of room to get in. I hope it's warm in there.

    His entrance is actually kind of big for a squirrel. Most of the time they have a place not much bigger than a knot hole.

    @Razzberry Corner
    Squirrels are pretty smart little creatures. You're right, not many other critters would try to invade their home.

    There are plenty of squirrel nests around here, but many of these trees have holes for the squirrels too. They have great options around here.

  14. I bet that is a totally cozy home for the squirrel! Very nicely protected from the elements.

  15. He's a lucky guy to find that crevice --all warm and safe from cold winds and rain! Smart squirrel!

  16. @Sparkle
    I'm sure it'll keep that squirrel comfortable all winter.

    Many of these trees around here have places like that. I wonder how many have squirrels.
