
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Inside Stone Park

Even though it was closed, I did it. I parked my truck outside the locked gate. Opened the back and let the dog out. And I walked into the park. That makes me a daring adventurer and a shameless rule breaker! Yeah!

Of course I didn't go very far. I would have just left without ever going in, but poor Isabella had such a pitiful look on her face. We came all this way to go to this giant nature park only to have to turn back around and go home? And poor Isabella rides in a cage when we go on trips. I couldn't disappoint her further.

So we walked past the gate and wandered over to the first fork in the road. Isabella was in heaven, sniffing up all sorts of new smells. When she gets going she sounds like a car with a flat tire, flumpalump flumpalump. I smelled some smells too, but only smells from things that came out of the wrong end of a lot of large wild animals. Uhhhh!

Those bad smells are the kind of thing you have to expect if you like enjoying nature though. It becomes easy to ignore after a few minutes. A few looong minutes! After awhile you begin to associate some of those bad odors with fun adventures, so they're not reqally that bad.

Now, the worst smell I ever smelled came one time when I was over in Nebraska, just across the border from here. Driving past a place with thousands and thousands of cows that were packed very close together. Unfortunately the windows were down at the time, and that smell came right in. I rolled up the windows much too late, but that didn't slow that odor down anyway. I thought I might die that day.

Huh? Oh! Sorry. That was just some sort of bad flashback. Let's finish my story. Even though we didn't stay long enough, the dog got to sniff out several little areas near the parking area. We had a pretty good time, even though it didn't last very long. But after a few more pictures it was going to have to end.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Those poor cows were not being kept in a clean environment! Sometimes there are people who don't tend to their livestock as they should. All cattle have an odor but that one was sooo bad. I know it spoiled you for Nebraska but I believe you should give us another chance. Nebraska is a beautiful and mostly good-smelling state.

  2. It looks like a beautiful park in your photos!

    Maybe you should bring the air refreshing thingy with you next time :-)

  3. Yeah, you have made it, though not by my style: to climb over.

    We always have certain level of badness inside ourselves.

  4. Maybe I'm a bit odd, but I have to confess to liking the smell of cows in a byre(cowshed, barn).

  5. Stone Park inside looks kinda adventurous with all the woods across and road with not many people around. You had quite an adventure there i guess except for the pack of cows and its bad odour. Its nice to know many new places like this through your daily posts.

  6. Thar first photo is smashing!

  7. It's fun to be a little bit of a rebel sometimes and it looks like you found a nice park. Maybe the next time you go back the air will have cleared

  8. I think the adventure of "breaking the rules" makes things a tad more exciting. I'm like you--I would have gone over the gate. My husband would not--he is a rule follower and very boring. ;)

  9. @Emma Springfield
    The smell of cows is usually okay, but that smell was exceptionally bad that time. I think Nebraska is just fine but I think of Sioux City as home, so being there was much more fun for me.

    @Icy BC
    The park will look even more beautiful when I can share its real beauty next spring.

    I'll climb over next time just for you, my friend.

    @Don't unplug your hub
    Actually, I kind of like the smell of cows in a normal situation too. It reminds me of my grandparents' farm. But that horrible smell in that one incident I mentioned was a very different thing.

    Stone Park is indeed a very good place for many adventures. Te pack of cows were actually many miles away and another time. The smell in the park wasn't really very bad.

    Thank you very much. I'm always glad to hear compliments.

    Eventually I'll have some of my best posts ever from this park. I made more of the smell than needed. It really wasn't very bad.

    I'm going to investigate a little to find out how far I can go into the park without getting into too much trouble. It might only be the roads that are closed.

  10. @Out on the prairie
    It appeared to be closed for the winter. I'm going to investigate further to see if that's right. I hope not.

  11. Oh yes, we used to have what they called a feedlot and it sure did smell. But this park looks beautiful. Ours is locked too and I haven't gone in yet. So good for you!

  12. @Country Mouse Studio
    I think the smell I encountered that day was just a passing thing. I'm guessing I probably just missed the passing of a herd of deer.
