
Monday, December 5, 2011

Here Comes Winter

We've had our first snowfall of the season here now, and it already looks like it's going to stay. The weather forecast was for about 3-6 inches of snow, and it looks like it's been at least that much, and it's still going strong. Everyone here that I've talked to said once it snows it's going to stay for the entire winter.

What you see in the pictures is from early Saturday morning when the snow first began. I took these when I took my dog Isabella out for a walk to see how she'd take to the snow. She liked it just fine, but she didn't seem to care for the deep stuff that has built up since then. She hops over any deep parts she finds. She did that with the fallen leaves too.

I have to say that the snow covering everything is just beautiful here, but I'm still not sure how well prepared I am for winter. I don't even have a snow shovel because I forgot to buy one. I'm going to have to wait for a clear day when the roads are better to run out and get one to clear a few pathways around here.

I've also been told that many of the roads can get pretty treacherous around here when there is snow. So I'm not sure how my nature park search will go now that there is snow on the ground. It's a good thing that I know where to find at least one small park and one big park.

If you don't want to have to go searching for nature parks in the snow you might want to try Cancun holidays instead. One thing you'll never find in Cancun is snow. What you'll find is warm beaches and so many activities that give you one of the best alternatives to the winter cold.

I like my nature parks, but it can be difficult to go through some of the bigger ones in the middle of winter. I was just told that this first snowfall might melt before we get another one. that might make things seem like a holiday with just that. For now, the snow is still coming down as strong as I've ever seen.

It's days like these when most of us feel like nothing's better than to stay inside and keep warm. But of course I didn't do that. I've been outside about half the day for several reasons. the main reason is because I have to go outside every few hours to fill my wood stove.

I'm not too prepared for that this year either. It's not that I don't want to go outside so often. It's that I haven't had enough time to get enough wood for the winter. I'm glad my dad made sure there was a backup system to keep things warm around here. So I won't have to go outside quite as often later, but heat will become a little more expensive. The cheapskate in me is screaming out.

The one thing that won't change is that I'll still be bringing you some wonderful winter pictures and my long winded, but very fun, words. I've actually had a lot of fun today out in the snow with the dog. And now I'm running out of words to say, so I think I'll say goodbye for today.


  1. I admire.

    I admire you for your first snowfall that I shall never have.

    I admire you for your spring that I shall never have.


  2. I had our first snow already, but it didn't stick around long. Now, we have rainy days.

  3. I've never seen a real snowfall before and probably i won't get to experience it until i move to a place similar to the place like yours. Ofcourse i've seen it on TV, either news or movies, but its nothing like the real one right. Its nice that you get to experience every season perfectly. I know winters could be more worse with the snowfall there and sometimes very annoying with the roads all blocked. But just a little experience for a while would not harm me or anyone else, so my fingers always crossed for the day when i get to really see it:)

  4. we've already had our first snowfall here and thankfully it didn't last. I'm not looking forward to it's return

  5. We never see snow where I live so this is a beautiful treat for me. Great shots, Ratty.

  6. I always enjoy being the 1st footprints in an area.

  7. I'm waiting for our first snow. It won't be long. But it's raining ehre tonight. It was 50 degrees today! Cooler weather coming though for the next week. I was worried about you and that wood situation but glad to hear you have a back up system. Be careful and enjoy the snow.

  8. Living in southern California, we would not know what to do with snow! The hail a few weeks ago was bad enough. You might say that the humans out here are wimps... and you would be right. And I'm afraid we kitties aren't much better.

  9. I look forward to the first snowfall, and yet at the same time I don't. Crazy!

  10. I'm feeling jealous! We haven't had more than a dusting yet.

  11. Time to buy some snow shoes Ratty, now that you live in a place where you can use them.

    You gotta love winter. There is nothing else quite as exhilarating.

    Nice photos too.

  12. I'm jealous, I love exploring in the snow. It's no wonder my favourite book is "Winter Holiday" by Arthur Ransome :-)

  13. Isn't it the most wonderfully exciting feeling,,,the first snow. All these years and it feels just like it did as a child.
