
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Little Bridges

Bridges. They're some of my favorite things of all. I found some new bridges at Dunham Prairie Preserve, my new park for some relaxing short hikes. I was overjoyed to find them because while doing some internet research for nature parks I looked specifically for bridges.

One of my favorite kinds of bridges are those old hanging rope bridges they always show in the movies. You know, the ones where the people come to them and wonder if they're safe to cross. Inevitably they go across one by one, and usually at least one board breaks under someone. sometimes the whole bridge eventually collapses. The whole thing always fascinates me.

Well, these bridges aren't really the same kind as those, but they're the closest I've ever come to it. Not to say that these are at all dangerous, they just physically resemble them. And I love to cross every bridge I find. It just seems like such a wonderful adventure to do so.

The point is that a bridge is there to transport you from one place to another. On one side of the bridge you're in one place, and then when you cross that bridge you are magically transported to another. It's almost as if you're in another country or even another world. What wonders might there be on the other side of that bridge?

It's always fun to go to another place. A bridge can take you to that other place, or you could get there another way too. Have you ever considered another country? How about Portugal holidays? I always wondered what it might be like to travel to Portugal. I could imagine crossing a bridge to get there, or I could just pick up and go someday.

Any way you think about it, crossing a bridge can at least be a source of wonderful fantasies. I know I always savor the moment right before crossing any bridge I come upon. I'll stand there at the foot of the bridge looking across and wondering what marvels I might find on the other side.

And it's not just the other side that is special about a bridge. Crossing a bridge is also a special experience for me. The journey is one of the best parts of a trip. I love to get to about the middle of a bridge and look down at what the bridge crosses over. Sometimes it's a river, sometimes it's only a dry ravine, but I always like seeing it.

I'll be looking for more bridges while I'm on my new adventures here in Iowa. I hope I find some good ones. You should look for bridges too. They're always so much fun. Maybe you'll find a fantasy world on the other side.

(This post contains one paragraph that is for advertisement purposes. You'll know it when you see it. I did my best to make it relevant to the post so it wouldn't be jarring to you. I hope the post is still as enjoyable as always.)

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I love bridges too. My favorite though are always the old covered bridges

  2. It sounds like bridges are magical.

    Will I find the bridge when I turn back? Will I find my way back?

  3. Lovely photos of the bridge, Ratty. I like this kind of bridges that are in nature setting.

  4. Hey Ratty...i have just been playing catch up on my blogs and it was lovely to visit and have so many posts to read from you....As always some great adventured and fantastic photos...good to see you out and about so much again. xx

  5. I was struck by the beautiful golden glow of the photo, just beautiful. You've made me look at bridges in a whole new way as I've never given them much thought before :O)

  6. Boy you are north. That Big Sioux is a great river to kayak.Pretty area to explore.

  7. I'm glad that you have found more bridges Ratty! I like little bridges like that too. Some old bridges are a bit scary to me though. I always wanted to hurry and get across for fear it might break in the middle..Ha! I like your photos. You seem to have a bit more color yet out there.

  8. I'll bet you can find some lovely covered bridges in Iowa. I can't wait to see what else you find on your adventures into new territory. You certainly have had a lot of bridges to cross, pally.

  9. Bridges can seem magical. I guess I don't feel that way about little ones so much, but maybe I should!

  10. i love bridges too, they indeed seem magical. and love your shots.

  11. You certainly have a great new place to explore!

  12. love the bridges. The pictures look like they could have been taken on our nature trail by the Arkansas River. Strange how places can be so far apart and look so similar.
