
Monday, November 7, 2011

Dunham Prairie Preserve

Even though I live in the middle of nature now, I still love the nature parks. So what would I be able to do? Surely there are no nature parks so far away from any big cities. Why would anyone need a nature park out in the country? Why not?

The real answer to all of this is that there are indeed nature parks here! In fact, there are even more nature parks here than there are where I lived before! And they are even closer to me than the others had been. They range from as small as the smallest to bigger than the biggest I visited before.

One of the closest nature parks, and maybe the smallest, is a place called Dunham Prairie Preserve. I'll probably be visiting this one more than any other for awhile. You probably guessed by the name of the place that some of this is prairie land. There are actually many features here, but we'll look at the rest another time.

The hiking sign in the picture above is what I first saw from the road when I found this park. I knew right away that this place was for me. Something I found out during my first trip here was that this place doesn't get a lot of visitors. I was the only one there. I like that.

As I walked the trails, I wondered what kind of animals I might find, or if I would find anything at all. With the dog along it might be difficult. But the intention of this trip wasn't really to find animals anyway. The reason I was here was to explore and discover.

I like the trail markers they have here. Huck Finn Hollow is one of many good names of places in this park. I'll be showing you many places like this in the days and months ahead. This post is just the beginning of my adventures at this park, and maybe the beginning of my new life.

I'm also getting back to Nature Center Magazine today with a new Cool Nature Video. I don't know if I'll be posting quite as much there at first, but I'll gradually get back to it. I also have a new story up over at Rat Tales. It's called "Fair". It'll be in five episodes. I've had this story in my head for many years. It's actually the one that inspired me to create Rat Tales.

I'm excited about a few of the things I'll be sharing in the next few posts here and my other two sites. I am also very busy here, but I'll be trying to post more often now. Blogging is actually helping me deal with the extra loneliness that I'm experiencing so far from everyone else I know. As long as you're reading, I know I'm not fully alone. So I'll be back soon! Same Rat time! Same Rat blog!

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Sounds like an exciting new life waiting ahead for you. I like the sign "Huck Finn Hollow". Pretty cool!

  2. You are adding more nature parks to your collection list.

    The latest one must be as interesting as the sign sounds.

  3. I can't wait to see this new park and I know I'll be here. I was just thinking how nice it is to get to know people from all over the world.

  4. that looks like a great place to explore. I like the Huck Finn Hollow sign

  5. i love your find, glad to know you are surrounded by nature parks in the middle of nature

  6. Looks like you will have plenty of new places to explore, Ratty. That will be good for you and interesting to your readers!

  7. the nice thng about blogging is that we are not truly alone when we got comments for our followers.

  8. I'm looking forward to more nature visits!

  9. What a treat that we are going to get to visit all these new places with you Ratty. You know, this is going to be a lot of fun! I'm sure the squirrels will enjoy your company in any/all nature parks you visit.

  10. Those hiker signs just seem to call to us! So you aren't sure if you will be returning to MI? Must feel odd, not knowing. But we get to see some new places.

  11. Well, it sounds like you are settling into a good area, Ratty. As you get more familiar, you will start to feel like it is home. :) And we'll always be here for ya when you are feeling lonesome!

  12. It's always fun, I think, to discover new places. I hope you really enjoy your time in Iowa..with Isabella.
