
Friday, November 25, 2011

Children Of The Night

At night I hear sounds; strange sounds I've never heard before coming from out of the darkness all around me. When the darkness comes, it's time for me to go outside and walk my dog. I do this a few times every night. Why would I do this with such odd sounds floating to me from out of the night?

I do it because my poor dog has a bit of a weak bladder. She knows when she has to go, and she lets me know that it's time to go out. But when she has to go, she really has to go. So I get out her leash and go outside into the night, and into the midst of the sounds coming from the darkness.

"What kinds of sounds are they," you ask. Well, they are sounds I've never heard at night near my home before. To be more specific, some are the sounds of howling, and there are also other animalistic sounds. "Aaawww," is the shouted sounds I hear coming from the south.

So do I know what is making these strange sounds? Well, of course I do. Some of the howling sounds are being made by coyotes. There are coyotes in this area. Most farmers around here hate them very much, especially if the farmers have chickens. Coyotes will mostly stay away, but I don't really want to encounter them.

The other sounds that come from the south are actually quite a bit more ordinary. Those sounds are being made by cows. Most of us, at least us here in America, think of the sound cows make as, "moo", but they really sound like what I described above.

All of these sounds are very different from the sounds of the city that I'm used to. In the city I would hear the sounds of cars going by instead of cows mooing. Instead of the howling of coyotes, I would hear the occasional sound of gunfire. And now instead of seeing other houses all around, I see trees outnumbering the houses by quite a bit.

Now when I take my dog out for a walk late at night I very rarely see another person out there. I go out to the end of the road and look up at the stars. Even with the occasional sounds of animals in the air, the night is such a peaceful place to be.

"Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make." - Dracula


  1. While going through your post, for a while, i thought you were going to tell me some horiffic story of some evil spirits. Whatever, i think, yes, there is lot of difference between living in urban area from rural. I have heard that, the more peaceful the night looks in the dark woods of rural areas,the more evil prevails :.

  2. It would frighten me to hear such noises, and my dog would be tied to an outdoor walk line, with me watching from the door.

    You made it sounds interesting though. Hope your Thanksgiving went well.

  3. OMG!!!

    You heard Dracula talking to you in the darkness.

  4. Sometimes the unfamiliar sound of the night makes it scary, glad you are able to listen to sounds of nature in the night.

  5. I wonder what kind of wildlife you have in the area?

  6. You are lucky to be in these surroundings. Perhaps you are finally where you should be! So much to explore, so little time!

  7. the sounds in the country are so much better than the city sounds.
    I always loved hearing the coyotes. It was such a mornful yet peaceful sound. I miss it.

  8. Wow- I think coyotes are much better than gunfire.

  9. Where we live in Los Angeles, we hear cars, gunshots AND coyotes! It is very wild here, with feral humans and animals.

  10. I'd be a little scared to walk out there myself. But that's just me. But I'd rather be in the country any day than in a noisy city. When you take pictures in the dark like that it's neat when you see eyes in the dark...ha! I hope you do see a coyote but from the sfatey of your house. Would be exciting to get a picture of one.

  11. It's been so long since I've heard city sounds at night that I can't remember. Nights are so peaceful away from the cities. I'm glad you are getting to experience that!

  12. Once hearing "people" I found it was some geese.

  13. I would think those sounds are preferable to the highway sounds we hear here on a clear night. Sigh. I much prefer the frogs croaking in my pond.

  14. Near forest We can hear a lot of strange sounds...

  15. Ratty, the night sounds of the country certainly beat the sounds of gunshots and ambulances and police cars racing past. It sounds like you are in a nice place...with a nice companion, weak bladder or not.

  16. You're very brave to be out that late in pitch darkness and listening to howling sounds all around. :D

    But yeah, night time's the best peaceful time.. especially if the sky's full of stars.
