
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Red-spotted Purple

I found this butterfly on my way out of Carpenter Lake Nature Park. It landed on the trail right in front of me and began spinning around. I love when they do that. I believe this butterfly is a red-spotted purple, but I might be terribly wrong. I'm no expert but I'm getting better.

Have you ever noticed that when butterflies land on the ground that they start spinning around in a circle? That's what this one did. I've seen many of them do the same thing. I find this to be one of the most fascinating things. I wonder why they do it.

I stood there and watched, taking pictures the whole time, as this butterfly spun around and around. This enabled me to get all of these good pictures of it. I was surprised at how long it stayed there like that. I was even able to practice my new philosophy of leaving before the creature does.

This week over at Rat Tales I posted the newest episode of my story "A Haunted Soul." This one is titled "Lonely In The Fog." This episode shows one of the worst times for our lonely ghost. Will there be any salvation for this poor soul? You'll have to read and find out. This story gives you maybe the best look anyone could ever have of what it really might be like to be a ghost.

If those of you who read my ghost story would like a few spoilers then take a look at the top toolbar of the site. The table of contents reveals a few things that will be happening in future episodes. It also reveals when those episodes will be coming.

It's still butterfly week here at The Everyday Adventurer. Some of that is even spilling over to Nature Center Magazine. You might want to go over and check that out if you've been enjoying this. And remember, we really appreciate your comments over there too. Yup, I'm being kind of obvious. :)

I'll be back next time with more butterfly related stuff. Don't worry, it won't just become the same old thing. It will get better each time. When butterfly week is over you'll be amazed because I'll show you a butterfly the size of an airplane! ...Not really, but I'll still have some good stuff.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I wonder if the spinning has something to do with orienting itself to the wind/air flow to allow lift when it leaves/forced to leave. Katy-did teach me that.

  2. Thanks for sharing.I have enjoyed reading and looking at the pix.

    Have a good week ahead my friend


  3. I am just starting to see a few of these. A late season visitor. They are a mimic of the Pipevine Swallowtail.Very nice shots!

  4. Nice to have so many butterflies in one place to choose from!

  5. I see no deer as you have seen, but I run after many butterflies as you do.

  6. wonderful pictures of the butterfly. I have only seen a couple this year and didn't have my camera with me when I did. Just my luck

  7. What a beautiful butterfly. She had cooperated with your picture-taking.


  8. When spinning like that, is it go a courting? What a beautiful color on this butterfly, Ratty!

  9. such a pretty butterfly...i don't think I've ever seen one with such striking markings under its wings before.

  10. Thanks for all of your comments, everyone.

    @Icy BC
    I've never seen any other butterflies around when I see one spinning, but maybe they're waiting for me to leave.

  11. I don't think it was courting... unless it mistook you for a VERY big butterfly, Ratty!

  12. That's very pretty! I've not seen large dark ones like that here!

  13. amazing clear butterfly shots! love 'em!
