
Friday, August 5, 2011

My Favorite Pond

I've been here many times before. As a matter of fact, this pond is in one of the very first nature parks I ever traveled as The Everyday Adventurer. I fell in love with this place because of its solitude. And to this very day I can come to this pond and be all alone, the only person in the whole park.

When I came to the park this time I went in behind a woman and her children. I waited for them to get far ahead of me so they wouldn't be afraid. It's not fun having a stranger walking closely behind you. About a third of the way through the park I greeted them as we passed each other on the trail. They were already leaving. I don't blame them because it's a long walk. But I was finally all alone.

Now that I had this park all to myself I could walk around at my leisure, examining everything around me. I could go on and off the trail. The presence of other people doesn't really matter that much, but I sometimes like my alone time, and I don't like to reveal my secret places.

Okay, I'm going to change the subject for a few short seconds. I've been giving Blogger tips here in the middle of my posts, and I'm going to give you another. This is an easy one.

Do you see the picture of my Ratty mouse face in the title bar at the top of your browser? It's called a "favicon". Usually there is an orange and white Blogger "B" there. Would you like to know how I changed that? Blogger has finally decided to make that a very simple thing for all of us.

To change that B to a picture of your own go to the Layout section in your Blogger dashboard. There you will see right at the top of your Page Elements section an extra block called Favicon. Click the Edit link and it will bring you to a window from where you can upload a good picture from your own computer that you can use as your very own favicon.

A little update: It sometimes takes about a day before your favicon appears in the top of your browser. I had forgotten about this last important part.

Here's a link to Blogger's post with more details about it: Latest Updates, August 1st
And here's another post about it from Icy BC: How To Install a Favicon On Your Blog

Let's get back to nature.

You know, I went to this park thinking that I would only see animals clear at the back where the pond sits always waiting for me. It turned out that the pond was one of the few places where I saw no animals.

Actually that's not totally true. I saw a small family of ducks that quickly hid in the weeds as soon as I emerged from the forest. I also found some butterflies flitting around. Butterflies are usually much too fast to catch on camera, so I only try when they are obviously very slow.

I still stayed back there at that pond for quite awhile looking out at the landscape. I enjoyed my alone time, and I enjoyed being at the pod, one of my favorite places.

Nature Center Magazine - A twisted tale! A thousand eyes! Trapped forever! Epa! Eeppaah!!!


  1. It is nice to have a special area. I have a few and share sometimes with a select few.

  2. Your last posts are also very beautiful as usual.

  3. Thank you for the tip and the link as well.

    Though it is yet to appear successfully.

  4. it's a very beautiful place, so green and peaceful. i've been wandering what a favicon is in the blogger's template, haven't had a chance to tweaked my blog yet. thanks for the tip.

  5. Hi Ratty,
    Lovely indeed. Almost magical.Thank you for the tip and the pix

    Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Wonderful place- I'm with you... I like to be alone very often. Having a dog reduces the wildlife encounters though.

  7. It's a beautiful, peaceful place for you. And thanks for that tip. I was wondering how you got that on. I haven't checked for new things in a long time.

  8. I can see why you like that pond so much. It would be a favorite of mine too!

  9. No wonder it's your fave..It looks like paradise in the images you posted!


  10. By the way, thanks for sharing your opinion in my (WebbieSTuff) blog. I add you in my blog list, i love blog buddies who gave and take in terms of traffic and sharing of views!


  11. what a lovely place. It's always nice when you can have a place like that to yourself.

  12. so nice to be reminded of the importance of alone time in nature, that's what I will do to treat myself this week, and thanks also I look forward to reading the blog tips

  13. Anne is correct...looks like there's no one in there... the pond's yours!

  14. That does look like a lovely place to hang out, maybe chase a butterfly or two.

  15. It is hard to believe that no one was out on that pond, but then life always gets in the way. It must be nice to be there by yourself.

    I'm in need of quiet time but just couldn't get away yet. Thanks also for the mention, Ratty!

  16. What???! No frogs????? Gotta be a frog or two in there.....

    Thanks for the favicon tips--I'm gonna try it!
